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An Estimation of the Efficient Size of Sugarcane Enterprises for Farmers in Trinidad 31
Palmer, Donald W.; Pemberton, Carlisle A..
This research paper provides an estimation of the efficient size of operation for sugarcane farmers in Trinidad. The estimates were based on a sample of two hundred and twenty-seven farmers selected from a cost of sugarcane production survey. To identify the efficient size of operation the ordinary least square estimation technique was used. The identification of the efficient size of operation allowed a test of the hypothesis that the minimum point on the long run average cost curve was significantly greater than the average enterprise size of six acres. The long run total cost curve was estimated and the cubic functional form provided the best fit based on both the adjusted R2 and the result from the Wald test. The results of the estimation process...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cost function; Cost elasticity; Efficient size; Sugar-cane; Trinidad; Agribusiness; Farm Management; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Neptune, Lueandra; Jacque, Andrew Eliel.
Trinidad and Tobago produces a fine flavour cocoa that attracts a premium price on the international market. The country has a long and distinguished record in agronomy and production of cocoa and is home to the Cocoa Research Unit, which attracts international notice and funding. However, cocoa production has been on a steady decline over the past few decades. The objective of this study is to assess the competitiveness and comparative advantage of cocoa production in Trinidad and Tobago and to understand the reasons for decline in output within the context of competitiveness. The analyses were conducted over three cocoa production systems – small farm traditional, large farm traditional, and large farm intensive cultivation. The methodology involved...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cocoa Production decline; Trinidad; Tobago; Policy Analysis Matrix; Trinidad and Tobago; CAES; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis; Farm Management; Financial Economics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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New Neotropical pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones) from Aruba, Trinidad and Saba (Lesser Antilles), with some new localities of pseudoscorpions from Aruba and Bonaire 16
Tooren, D. van den.
Three new species are described: Pachychernes corticalis spec. nov. from Aruba, Corticochernes sabae gen. et spec. nov. from Saba and Trinidatemnus separatus gen. et spec. nov. from Trinidad. Some new localities are reported of Pachyolpium arubense arubense Beier, 1936, Pachyolpium arubense variabile van den Tooren, 2002 and Aphelolpium scitulum Hoff , 1964.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Pseudoscorpions; Olpiidae; Pachyolpium arubense arubense; Pachyolpium arubense variabile; Aphelolpium scitulum; Chernetidae; Pachychernes corticalis spec. nov.; Corticochernes sabae gen. et spec. nov.; Atemnidae; Trinidatemnus separatus gen. et spec. nov.; Aruba; Bonaire; Trinidad; Saba; 42.74.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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