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Proposed joint actions addressing Convergence and alignment of R&I Infrastructure Initiatives ArchiMer
AANCHOR (All AtlaNtic Cooperation for Ocean Research and innovation).
The Belém Statement (BS) on Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Cooperation and the Coordination and Support Action supporting its implementation, the AANChOR project, aims at further boosting research and innovation cooperation in the South Atlantic, notably between the European Union, Brazil and South Africa. WP7 aims to contribute to the implementation of the goals of the BS in promoting and facilitating the convergence and the alignment of Research and Innovation (R&I) infrastructure initiatives with a strong infrastructure component by proposing concrete collaborative initiatives (joint actions) in this field among institutions in European countries, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Cabo Verde and in other countries bordering the Atlantic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: All-Atlantic Cooperation; Research Infrastructures; R&I alignment; RI baseline; RI gaps; R&I needs; R&I governance; R&I facilities; Research vessels; Underwater vehicles; In situ ocean data acquisition systems; Marine data centres; Marine land-based facilities; Offshore facilities; Marine experimental facilities; Open ocean-shelf/coastal interactions; Marine Environmental monitoring; Marine Observing devices sharing; Pelagic imaging.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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SAGA, first industrial autonomous submarine. ArchiMer
Mollard, J; Sauzade, Didier.
Developed in France by IFREMER and COMEX, SAGA is the first prototype of a new generation of industrial submarines capable of carrying out underwater operations using divers or robots at close proximity to the work site without surface assistance. SAGA (28 meters long, 550 tons submerged displacement, 6 crew members) has a hyperbaric compartment for 4 to 6 divers. Several important innovations, in particular with regards to energy, give SAGA an exceptional autonomy, essential for performing deep underwater operations. The submarine was launched in October 1987 and has just completed to three-year qualification programme. Since May 1990 SAGA holds the world record of the deepest (-317 m) diver lock-out operation from a submarine. This paper presents the new...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Working underwater; Underwater exploration; Marine technology; Underwater vehicles.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Underwater vehicle navigation using diffusion-based trajectory observers ArchiMer
Jouffroy, J; Opderbecke, Jan.
This paper addresses the issue of estimating underwater vehicle trajectories using gyro-Doppler (body-fixed velocities) and acoustic positioning signals (earth-fixed positions). The approach consists of diffusion-based observers processing a whole trajectory segment at a time, allowing the consideration of important practical problems such as different information update rates, outages, and outliers in a very simple framework. Results of contraction theory are used to prove that the observers are convergent, i.e., stable in the incremental sense. Simulation and experimental results are presented to illustrate the potential of application of the method.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Underwater vehicles; Underwater navigation; Trajectory observers; Trajectory estimation; Observers; Diffusion; Cartography.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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