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Comparison of biostimulation and bioaugmentation techniques for the remediation of used motor oil contaminated soil 52
Abdulsalam,Surajudeen; Omale,Adaji Benjamin.
This study was carried out on the bioremediation of used motor oil contaminated soil artificially contaminated to a pollutant level of 40,000ppm using biostimulation and bioaugmentation remediation techniques for 42 days. Four treatment options were investigated in wooden microcosms: Control (T1), water amended (T2), biostimulation (T3) and hybrid of biostimulation and bioaugmentation (T4). The effectiveness of bioremediation processes were monitored using the total petroleum hydrocarbon removal (TPH) and total bacterial count (TBC). T3 had the highest TPH removal rate (69.2±0.05%), followed by T4 (65.2±0.25%) and T2 (58.4±0.5%); the control (T1) had the lowest TPH removal rate (43.2±1.5%). TBC revealed that bioremediation actually took place; T4 had the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bioremediation; Biostimulation; Bioaugmentation; TPH; Used motor oil; Wooden microcosms.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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