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A hazai zöldségtermelés megújítása 31
Hodossi, Sandor; Dudas, Laszlo; Fari, Miklos Gabor.
Az éghajlatváltozás hatásai a minőségi termelés követelményei, a rentábilis termelés igénye, a termeléstechnológiai elemek megújításának, korszerűsítésének szükségessége egyaránt sürgetik a fenti követelményeket szem előtt tartó, annak megfelelni akaró módszert, a szabadföldi intenzív termelést, melynek legfontosabb elemei: az időszakos talaj-, növény- és légtértakarás, a víztakarékos öntözési módok alkalmazása és a retardált műtrágya használata. Az időszakos talaj-, növény- és légtértakarással a szedési időszak meghosszabbítható, és egyúttal javítható a talaj vízgazdálkodása, valamint visszaszorítható a gyomosodás. A mikroöntözés alkalmazásával, azonos vízmennyiséggel kétszer akkora terület öntözhető. Retardált (fékezett lebomlású) műtrágyák...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Zöldségtermelés; Feldolgozóipar; Speciális készítmények; Tájtermelés; Intenzív termesztés; Vegetable production; Territory; Assortment; Canning industry; Special products; Growing regions; Intensity; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Choice of Optimal Planting and Marketing Decisions for Fresh Vegetable Producers: A Mathematical Programming Approach 31
Vassalos, Michael; Dillon, Carl R.; Coolong, Tim.
This study combines whole farm economic analysis with biophysical simulation techniques in order to achieve a twofold objective. First, the study seeks to develop a multiple enterprise vegetable farm model with a production and marketing decision interface and, second, to determine optimal production practices for Kentucky vegetable growers. Three vegetable crops are examined: tomatoes, bell peppers and sweet corn. The findings indicate that the risk associated with vegetable production can be significantly mitigated with diversification of production mix and with a greater number of transplanting dates. However, this reduction in risk comes at a high cost in terms of expected net returns.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Vegetable production; Mean-variance; Biophysical simulation; Farm management; Farm Management; C61; C63; D81.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Contributions of Immigrant Farmworkers to California Vegetable Production 31
Devadoss, Stephen; Luckstead, Jeff.
A major concern with immigrants coming into the United States is that they adversely affect domestic workers through job competition and wage depression.We study the displacement and wage reduction effects of immigrants in California vegetable production, which is labor intensive, and 95% of the farmworkers in California are immigrants. Our findings show that this concern is not valid in vegetable production because the addition of one new immigrant displaces only 0.0123 domestic workers, and wage reduction is inconsequential. But one immigrant worker increases the vegetable production by $23,457 and augments the productivity of skilled workers, material inputs, and capital by $11,729.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Employment displacement; Immigrant labor; Vegetable production; Wage effect; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; J43; J61.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Produção massal de sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, Benth) sem aculeos. 14
Baseado nestes resultados, constata-se a viabilidade de produção massal de sabiá sem acúleos, através da formação de pomares, usando-se sementes oriundas de plantas de multiplicação vegetativa.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Forest; Vegetable production; Produção vegetal; Floresta; Mimosa Caesalpiniaefolia; Propagação Vegetativa; Sabiá; Vegetative propagation.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Gan, Jianbang; Kebede, Ellene.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of vegetable production to enhance the declining farm income of limited resource farmers. A survey of 60 limited resource farmers in south central Alabama was undertaken to carry out this evaluation. Results of the survey show that 95% of the farmers had an annual farm income of less than $12,000. Linear programming methodology was applied to perform a whole-farm analysis of a representative farm developed from the data. The overall results show that vegetable production will significantly increase the annual income of these farmers. Some specific conclusions are that: (a) the total return from vegetable production depends on vegetable mixes; (b) vegetable production is labor intensive and...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Enterprise budget; Farm analysis; Farm income; Limited resource farmers; Linear programming; Minimum wage; Vegetable production; Production Economics.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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