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Testing methods in species distribution modelling using virtual species: what have we learnt and what are we missing? 5
Meynard, Christine N.; Leroy, Boris; Kaplan, David.
Species distribution models (SDMs) have become one of the major predictive tools in ecology. However, multiple methodological choices are required during the modelling process, some of which may have a large impact on forecasting results. In this context, virtual species, i.e., the use of simulations involving a fictitious species for which we have perfect knowledge of its occurrence‐environment relationships and other relevant characteristics, have become increasingly popular to test SDMs. This approach provides for a simple virtual ecologist framework under which to test model properties, as well as the effects of the different methodological choices, and allows teasing out the effects of targeted factors with great certainty. This simplification is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Artificial species; Environmental niche models; Niche; Simulations; Species distribution modelling; Virtual ecologist.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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