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Comparaison des performances d'élevage et de la vitalité de naissain d'huîtres creuses Crassostrea Gigas, en 3 sites du Morbihan (Rivière d'Auray et Baie de Quiberon), de mai 1999 à mars 2000 ArchiMer
Mazurie, Joseph; Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Claude, Serge; Hirata, Toshio; Langlade, Aime; Martin, Anne-genevieve; North, Benjamin.
Summer mortalities of young oysters have been studied in 1999 through the monitoring of a unique oyster batch distributed among 3 sites located from upstream of an estuary (Fort-Espagnol, Auray river) to downstream (Kerpenhir, Auray river) up to open bay (Men er Roué, Bay of Quiberon). Mortality and growth have been monitered in parallel with vitality indices, so as to try or identify periods of weakness of oysters. The spat grew from a mean weight of 3 g, in the beginning of May to around 35 g in November, without sharp differences between sites. The summer mortalities remained moderate (10 %) in the 2 most marine stations, whereas a light peak of mortality (15 %) was recorded in July in the most continental station. Any of the physico-chemical parameters...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas; Rivière d'Auray; Quiberon; Mortalité; Vitalité; Valvomètre; Force musculaire; Perte de sel; Cupped oyster; Spat; Gigas; Auray river; Of Quiberon; Mortality; Vitality; Valvometer; Muscle force; Salt loss; Hermeticity.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Evolution et estimation des mortalités estivales de naissain d'huître creuse (Crassostrea gigas) en baie de Quiberon, de mai à septembre 1998. ArchiMer
Martin, Anne-genevieve; Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Tige, Gilbert; Hirata, Toshio; Le Coguic, Marie-jo; Langlade, Aime; Mazurie, Joseph; Ostréiculteurs de la baie de Quiberon.
La question des mortalités estivales de naissains d'huîtres creuses en baie de Quiberon a été abordée selon deux approches complémentaires, l'une plus temporelle, avec le suivi estival régulier de quelques semis, l'autre plus spatiale avec une estimation en plongée des survies en fin d'été d'un plus grand nombre de semis répartis à travers la baie. Le suivi de l'évolution des semis a permis de dater et de quantifier les mortalités estivales sur plusieurs périodes (juin et août essentiellement) ; mais il n'a pas permis d'en identifier les causes. Le rôle des pathogènes, notamment, n'est pas défini. Par ailleurs, l'estimation spatiale des mortalités en fin d'été met en évidence des mortalités nettement différenciées entre les semis (entre 6 et 48%). Parmi...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas; Naissain; Quiberon; Mortalité; Croissance; Vitalité; Pathologie; Herpès-virus; Pacifie cupped oyster; Crassostrea gigas; Spat; Quiberon (France); Mortality; Growth; Vitality; Pathology; Herpes-virus.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Influence of dexamethasone and surfactant in the vitality and lung function of preterm lambs born by cesarean section Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Bovino,F.; Denadai,D.S.; Ávila,L.G.; Deschk,M.; Santos,P.S.P.; Feitosa,F.L.F.; Peiró,J.R.; Mendes,L.C.N..
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess the vitality and lung function of preterm lambs. Twenty seven preterm lambs were divided in four groups. Group I (n=6) preterm lambs/ control; group II (n=9) lambs born to mothers that were treated with dexamethasone antepartum; group III (n=6) lambs treated with surfactant; and group IV (n=6) lambs treated with surfactant and born to mothers that were treated with dexamethasone antepartum. The APGAR score was performed after birth (T0) and 15 minutes later (T1/4) to assess vitality. The vital signs, blood gas analysis, spirometry and capnometry were assessed immediately after birth and continued until 48 hours. Chest radiographs were performed at T0, T24 and T48. Significant rectal temperature interactions...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lambs; Neonatology; Vitality; Vital parameters.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Prévention des mortalités estivales de naissain d'huîtres creuses. Expérimentations sur estran (Rivière d'Auray, été 1998). 1 : comparaison de différents lots de naissain. 2 : tentative "d'endurcissement» du naissain". ArchiMer
Mazurie, Joseph; Kuntz, Gregoire; Claude, Serge; Hirata, Toshio.
Cupped oysters, Crassostrea gigas, often suffer abnormal mortalities during summer, at one year of age. Both scientists and professionnals are interested in finding practical methods to reduce these mortalities. The present study tries to answer two questions : 1- are there any differences of summer mortalities among various batches of spat available from spat collection areas (Arcachon and Charentes) ? 2- is it possible to improve summer survivals by wintering the spat at high air exposure locations (« hardening » procedure) ? The first comparison did not reveal any significant difference between the 16 batches of spat tested (mortalities between 5 % and 30 %). The second comparison in the same summer conditions was not able to show to any improvement...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître creuse; Mortalité; Estran; Vitalité; Endurcissement; Gigas oyster; Mortality; Intertidal zone; Vitality; Hardening.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Suivi des coques du Croisic en 1998. Bilan synthétique. ArchiMer
Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Langlade, Aime; Le Coguic, Marie-jo; Thebault, Anne; Chellet, B.; Ponthoreau, C.; Devulder, G..
Suite aux mortalités massives de coques apparues au Croisic en août 1997, des études ont été mises en place en 1998, avec une coordination des travaux des différents laboratoires impliqués: suivi de la température et de la matière organique dans le sédiment, suivi des animaux et observation des parasites. Les principaux résultats sont: - l'enregistrement de brusques amplitudes thermiques dans le sédiment; - des taux anormalement élevés de matière organique dans le sédiment (20 à 40%) à l'automne 1997, puis des taux plus habituels (<2%) après les tempêtes de l'hiver 1997-98 ; - un affaiblissement important de la vitalité musculaire des animaux en juillet; - une infestation relativement faible en trématodes virulents (Labratrema minimus), mais dont les...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coques; Cerastoderma edule; Le Croisic; Sédiment; Elevage; Mortalité; Croissance; Vitalité; Maturation; Pathologie; Cockles; Cerastoderma edule; Le Croisic (France); Sediment; Rearing; Mortallty; Growlh; Vitality; Maturation; Pathology.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Survivability of discarded Norway lobster in the bottom trawl fishery of the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Merillet, Laurene; Mehault, Sonia; Rimaud, Thomas; Piton, Corentine; Morandeau, Fabien; Morfin, Marie; Kopp, Dorothee.
In the context of the landing obligation set by the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus was identified as a species likely to have high survival rate when discarded in the bottom trawl fishery of the Bay of Biscay. Previous studies in this area reported a survival rate between 30% and 51%, but the experiments were done on a limited monitoring period and the seasonal variations were not investigated. This study was designed to obtain a reliable value for survival rate after a 14-day monitoring period in onshore tanks allowing considering delayed mortality. The study also tested the effect on the survival rate of using a discarding chute system, a sorting device that was made mandatory on the 1st of January 2017 for Nephrops...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nephrops norvegicus; Sorting process; Captivity; Vitality; Season; Discard survival.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Survival of discarded Nephrops norvegicus after trawling in the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Mehault, Sonia; Morandeau, Fabien; Kopp, Dorothee.
The new Common Fisheries Policy may exempt some species from the landing obligation if a high survival rate can be demonstrated among discards. This study focuses on the survival capacity of Nephrops norvegicus discarded from trawlers of the Bay of Biscay (France). Three sea trials were conducted on board 3 commercial trawlers and 15 fishing operations were sampled. The vitality of Nephrops was classed into three categories (healthy, moribund or dead) before release at sea and samples of healthy and moribund individuals were kept in captivity on Nephrops grounds for three days. A Generalised Linear Model was used to examine the variability in the proportion of healthy Nephrops discarded, which was significantly influenced by tow duration, duration of air...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vitality; Captivity; South western waters; Bottom trawl; GLM.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Survival of European plaice discarded from coastal otter trawl fisheries in the English Channel ArchiMer
Morfin, Marie; Kopp, Dorothee; Benoit, Hugues P.; Mehault, Sonia; Randall, Peter; Foster, Robert; Catchpole, Thomas.
Species that have a high likelihood of surviving the discarding process have become great concern since the European Union reformed the Common Fisheries Policy and enacted a landing obligation prohibiting the discarding any individuals of species under quota. Among species presenting an elevated survival potential, plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) is one of the most discarded in the coastal otter trawl fishery in the English Channel. The objective of this study is to provide the most reliable estimates of plaice survival after release in commercial conditions, and to identify the factors that influence survival rates. A captivity experiment was conducted in January–February in the English fishery to assess the survival of discarded plaice as a function of a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landing obligation; Pleuronectes platessa; Vitality; Captivity experiment; Discard survival analysis; Bottom trawl.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Особенности морфоструктуры и комплекс морфометрических параметров жизненного состояния особей морской травы Zostera nolti Hornem IBSS Repository
Александров, В. В..
Изучение морфоструктуры особей Z. noltii проводили в июне – августе 2000-2001 г. в бухте Стрелецкая и в устье р. Черная (район Севастополя, Черное море). Определяли 38 метрических и 5 аллометрических параметров материнских и дочерних побегов. Морфометрические параметры особей Z. noltii. характеризуются правосторонней асимметрией и высоким коэффициентом вариации. Наиболее велики изменчивость и асимметрия параметров корневищ и дочерних побегов. Факторный анализ корреляций между признаками, (R-техника) позволил определить их информативную ценность для оценки жизненного состояния особей Z. noltii. Выделено 5 факторов, которые интерпретируются как функциональные группы признаков: параметры листьев материнских побегов, параметры подземной сферы материнских...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Zostera noltii; Жизненное состояние; Изменчивость признаков; Морфологическая структура растения; Факторный анализ; Vitality; Morphostructure Plant morphology Plant morphology
Ano: 2003 URL:
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