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Paris, Claire B.; Berenshtein, Igal; Trillo, Marcia L.; Faillettaz, Robin; Olascoaga, Maria J.; Aman, Zachary M.; Schlueter, Micheal; Joye, Samantha B.. |
After the Deepwater Horizon oil platform explosion, an estimated 172.2 million gallons of gas-saturated oil was discharged uncontrollably into the Gulf of Mexico, causing the largest deep-sea blowout in history. In an attempt to keep the oil submerged, massive quantities of the chemical dispersant Corexit (R) 9500 were deployed 1522 m deep at the gushing riser pipe of the Macondo prospect's wellhead. Understanding the effectiveness of this unprecedented subsea dispersant injection (SSDI) is critical because deepwater drilling is increasing worldwide. Here we use the comprehensive BP Gulf Science Data (GSD) to quantify petroleum dynamics throughout the 87-day long blowout. The spatio-temporal distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons revealed consistent higher... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Oil spill; Deep-sea blowout; Chemical dispersants; Water column; Macondo; Subsea dispersant injection; Petroleum; Gulf Science Data. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00634/74617/74546.pdf |
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Castro Jimenez, J; Deviller, Genevieve; Ghiani, A; Loos, R; Mariani, G; Skejo, H; Umlauf, G; Wollgast, J; Laugier, Thierry; Heas Moisan, K; Leaute, Frederique; Munschy, Catherine; Tixier, Celine; Tronczynski, Jacek. |
Ambient concentrations, congener patterns and multi-media distribution of PCDD/Fs and PCBs were determined in air, water, sediment and mussels in a semi-enclosed marine ecosystem (Thau lagoon, France). Sigma 2,3,7,8-PCDD/F and Sigma 7ICES PCB air concentrations (0.2-1.4 and 31-57 pg m(-3), respectively) were typical of rural areas. Concentrations in the water column were very low for PCDD/Fs (163-476 fg L-1) and low for PCBs (138-708 pg L-1). PCDD/F and PCB concentrations found in surface sediment (0.15-1.6 and 2.5-33 ng g(-1) d.w., respectively) and mussel (13-21 pg g(-1) d.w. and 10-39 ng g(-1) d.w., respectively) were medium levels. PCDD/F congener patterns observed in air, water particulate phase and sediments were similar suggesting direct coupling... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Water column; Mussel; Air Sediment; POPs. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2008/publication-4807.pdf |
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Abrantes, F; Moita, Mt. |
Diatom and coccolithophorid abundance and diatom assemblage composition found in the water column along the Portuguese margin, during upwelling and non-upwelling conditions, are compared to the distribution patterns observed in the recent sediments from the same area. The water column results indicate a one order of magnitude increase in phytoplankton biomass during upwelling conditions (summer), with diatoms being the most important contributors. Coccolithophorids, on the contrary, dominate the phytoplankton in winter (non-upwelling), The comparison of the upwelling and non-upwelling spatial distribution of these phytoplankton groups to their sedimentary record reveals the sediment record as a reflection of the upwelling situation, preserving most of its... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Upwelling; Portugal; Diatomée; Colonne d'eau; Sédiment; Upwelling; Portugal; Diatom; Water column; Sediment. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00325/43630/43253.pdf |
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Abrantes, F; Moita, Mt. |
Diatom and coccolithophorid abundance and diatom assemblage composition found in the water column along the Portuguese margin, during upwelling and non-upwelling conditions, are compared to the distribution patterns observed in the recent sediments from the same area. The water column results indicate a one order of magnitude increase in phytoplankton biomass during upwelling conditions (summer). with diatoms being the most important contributors. Coccolithophorids, on the contrary, dominate the phytoplankton in winter (non-upwelling). The comparison of the upwelling and non-upwelling spatial distribution of these phytoplankton groups to their sedimentary record reveals the sediment record as a reflection of the upwelling situation, preserving most of its... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Upwelling; Portugal; Diatomée; Colonne d’eau; Sédiment; Upwelling; Portugal; Diatom; Water column; Sediment. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00325/43613/43915.pdf |
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