CHOW, Barbara A., 1997. Biological and management aspects of a Caribbean mangal: West Harbour, Jamaica. Studies Nat. Hist. Caribbean Region 73, Amsterdam, 1997: 1-22. Observations are given for the first time of West Harbour, a pristine south-coast Jamaican mangal. West Harbour is shown to be a diverse and extensive mangal (22.5 km²) with a high degree of representativeness with respect to mangrove community types. The classical mangrove zonation is evident, a fringing seaward almost mono-specific Rhizophora fronting backswamp basin Avicennia. Mangrove community types are varied; overwash, fringe, basin and scrub Rhizophora, and basin and scrub Avicennia. A broad scale survey recorded a total of 45 plant and 183 macrofaunal components of the biota which... |