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Credit Policy for Rural Development AgEcon
Druce, P.C..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Willingness; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 1956 URL:
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Farmers’ Cognition and Participation Willingness about New Rural Cooperative Medical System in Western Region — A Case of Guangan and Dazhou Areas in Sichuan Province AgEcon
Guo, Chuang-le.
According to the data of questionnaire survey on farmers’ cognition and participation willingness about the New Cooperative in some townships of Guangan and Dazhou Cities of Sichuan Province in the year 2008, farmers’ cognition about the New Rural Cooperative Medical System is analyzed by using the literatures, field investigation, semi-structured interviews, group discussion and other methods. At the same time, SPSS13.0 statistical software is used to carry out the Logistic Regression Analysis on the factors influencing the participation willingness of sample households. Result shows that although the New Rural Cooperative Medical System has been implemented throughout China for 6 years, there are only 57.75% households in underdeveloped western regions...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: New Rural Cooperative Medical System of China; Willingness; Cognition; Logistic Model; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Western Australian Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Genetically Modified Canola (Brassica napus) AgEcon
Baumann, Annette; Lumley, Sarah; Rumley, Dennis; Fenna, Alan.
Products made from GM canola need wide consumer acceptance to be commercialised. This study aims to investigate whether or not Western Australian consumers would be willing to consume GM canola products, and how much they would be willing to pay for them. A survey covering 500 randomly selected Western Australians was made. Preliminary results show that more than 50% of consumers would buy non-GM canola oil, even if it costs one dollar more than the GM canola oil. It was suggested that the Australian Commonwealth and State Governments should establish adequate labelling of GM products, in order to increase consumers’ awareness. Further socio-economic research is required on GM crops.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Herbicide tolerant canola; Choice; Willingness; Labeling; Regulations; Agricultural and Food Policy; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Willingness of Peasant Households in Mountainous Areas towards Land Transfer ——A Case of Beiliang Village, Wuxiang County, Shanxi Province AgEcon
Feng, Xu-fang; Cheng, Qiao-li; Liu, Jing-shu.
In this paper, the Beiliang village, Wuxiang County ,of Shanxi Province is chosen as the study object. The methods investigation and interview are applied. And then the status quo of land transfer is analyzed from the aspects of private land transfer, the form of land transference, the land transfer fee, the contracts of the land transfer and farmers’ knowledge on land transfer law and so on. Through the investigation and research on peasant households’ willingness towards land transfer and the factors that affect the land transfer, the willingness of farmers’ land transfer in recent years are transferred. Farmers’ land transfer willingness in recent years is clear. On the strength of the analysis, the scientific basis for the reasonable transfer of land...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Peasant households; Land transfer; Willingness; Shanxi Province , China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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