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Reducing Crop Nutrient Applications: The Yield Reserve Program AgEcon
Metcalfe, Todd; Bosch, Darrell J.; Pease, James W..
A proposed Yield Reserve Program designed to compensate farmers for any reduced yields resulting from reduced nitrogen (N) application rates below recommended rates is evaluated. Assuming that farmers currently follow extension recommendations for applying N, Yield Reserve Program participation reduces expected net revenue by $10 to $13/ha. The Yield Reserve Program reduces expected net revenue by $17 to $20/ha for farmers who apply N to maximize expected net revenue. Farmers’ costs of participation increase with lower probabilities of inadequate rainfall and higher corn prices and decline with higher N prices. The Yield Reserve Program can significantly reduce N applications to cropland, which may reduce N content of surface waters, but the costs to...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Compliance cost; Nitrogen fertilizer; Nonpoint source pollution; Policy; Yield response function; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Yield Reserve Program Costs in the Virginia Coastal Plain AgEcon
Metcalfe, Todd; Bosch, Darrell J.; Pease, James W.; Alley, Mark M.; Phillips, Steve B..
A proposed Yield Reserve Program designed to compensate farmers for any reduced yields resulting from nitrogen (N) application rates reduced to below recommended rates is evaluated. Assuming that farmers currently follow Extension recommendations for applying N, Yield Reserve Program participation reduces expected net revenue by $10 to $13/ha. The Yield Reserve Program reduces expected net revenue by $17 to $20/ha for farmers who apply N to maximize expected net revenue. Farmers’ costs of participation increase with lower probabilities of inadequate rainfall and higher corn prices and decline with higher N prices. The Yield Reserve Program can significantly reduce N applications to cropland, which may reduce N content of surface waters, but the costs to...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Compliance cost; Nitrogen fertilizer; Nonpoint source pollution; Policy; Yield response function; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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