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A critique of logical positivism 121
C. E. M. Joad; Joad, C. E. M..
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: POSITIVISMO.
Ano: 1950 URL:
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A further Note on the Canines of Celebochoerus 16
Hooijer, D.A..
The genus Celebochoerus was based by me (Hooijer, 1948) on two fragments of upper canines of rather large size, different from their homologues in Sus celebensis Müller and Babyrousa babyrussa (L.), the two living species of Suidae of Celebes. The specimens originate from Pleistocene deposits at Desa Beru, Tjabenge (Sopeng district), about 100 km N.E. of Macassar, S. Celebes, and were collected by Mr. H. R. van Heekeren, prehistorian to the Archaeological Survey at Macassar. In the meantime I have received more specimens of upper canines, collected by Mr. Van Heekeren at Desa Beru and also at Sompoh, 12 km N. of Beru. These specimens, like those first described, are surface finds and consequently more or less water-worn. They show a great deal of variation...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.84.
Ano: 1950 URL:
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A new Protium from Suriname 16
Swart, J.J..
Protium Pullei Swart n.sp. Arbor circ. 12 m alta. Ramuli robusti 4 mm diam. teretes glabri fusci lenticellis oblongis ferrugineis muniti. Folia trifoliolata 17 (16—21) cm longa glabra, petiolis robustis semiteretibus 4.5 cm longis basi incrassatis demum transverse rimosis, petiolulis semiteretibus robustis utrinque subincrassatis 1 cm longis sed terminalibus 2.25 cm longis, foliolis oblongo-ellipticis II (7.5—13) cm longis 5 (3.75—5.5) cm latis, apice abruptius acuminatis, acumine sublineari 8 (5—10) mm longo 2.5 (2—3) mm lato, basi cuneata, margine integro, coriaceis utrinque nitidis laevibus supra glaucescentis infra viridis, nervis secundariis utrinque II, nervis prim. et sec. utrinque prominentibus. Inflorescendae axillares breves pauce ramosae...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1950 URL:
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A new Trigonia from Suriname 16
Stafleu, F.A..
Trigonia coppenamensis nov. spec. Liana; ramulis ferrugineotomentosis; petiolis 1.2—2.2 cm longis, tomentosis; laminis subcoriaceis, ellipticis vel obovato- vel oblongo-ellipticis, circiter 6—12 X 3—7 cm, apice acute-acuminatis, basi subrotundatis usque subcuneatis, supra tomentellis, subtus pilis flavescenticanescentibus tomentosis; nervis secundariis utroque 6—8 prope margine arcuato-adscendentibus; venis reticulatis, supra impressis; inflorescentiis terminalibus et axillaribus, rhachi ramisque dense ferrugineo-tomentosis; floribus in cymis plusminusve regularibus dispositis; pedunculis circiter 0.5 cm longis; pedicellis 0.3—0.5 cm longis; alabastro 0.3—0.5 cm longo; calicis lobis circiter 0.5 x 0.3 cm, obtuse rotundatis extus tomento cano-flavo indutae,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1950 URL:
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A Note on the Charadriiformes listed for Sumatra by Robinson & Kloss, 1918 and 1923 16
Gibson-Hill, C.A..
In a paper on some birds from Sumatra in the Leiden Museum Dr. Junge (1948, pp. 314-15) lists two males of Limosa lapponica baueri Naum. taken by Mr. Van Heurn on the beach at Tandjong Tiram in the Deli district on 14 November 1921. In a short discussion on this record he refers to the fact that Vorderman (1890, p. 416) gives this species as probably occurring in Sumatra, and subsequently Robinson & Kloss (1923, p. 326) and Chasen (1935, p. 37) list it without query or comment. Dr. Junge adds that he failed to find the reference on which the later authors decided that the bird was definitely known from Sumatra. It is probable that no such reference exists and that Dr. Junge's paper constitutes the first authentic published record of the occurrence...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.83.
Ano: 1950 URL:
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A Palynological study of the Holocene and Late-glacial in South-East Friesland (The Netherlands) 16
Planque, B.A. de.
The borings, on which this study is based, were made within a radius of circa 5 miles around Opeinde, a village in the province of Friesland near the Friesland-Groningen border.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1950 URL:
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A secagem de amido pelo ar quente 53
Tosello,André; Veiga,Ari de Arruda.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other
Ano: 1950 URL:
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A separação dos torrões de terra roxa do café, pelo magnetismo 53
In the regions of the so called "purple soils", in the State of São Paulo and Northern Paraná, coffee harvested from the ground is attended by a number of foreign matter among which lumps of soils of varying sizes make up the bulk of it. The separation of such lumps as attained by mechanical devices usually employed is always not satisfactory, the result being that remaining lumps will give a red color to the coffee beans, thus lowering the grade. Since the soil lumps have an appreciable amount of iron oxyde, mainly in the form of magnetite (Fe3O4) ; there would appear that the use of electro-magnets or permanent magnets of high power would give good results. A new machine "catador Dr. Isay" having rotative permanent magnets thus appeared in the market and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1950 URL:
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A técnica da resolução das equações relativas à interpolação da Lei de Mitscherlich pelo método dos quadrados mínimos 43
Nogueira,Izaias Kangel.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1950 URL:
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A Teoria dos ciclos termais 43
Salgado,E. A.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1950 URL:
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Ação do paradiclorobenzeno sôbre os cromossômios somáticos 53
Conagin,Cândida H. T. Mendes.
Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados obtidos com Coffea arabica, Allium cepa, Arachis prostrata e Aloë sp., pela aplicação do processo Meyer para o estudo dos cromossômios somáticos. Em linhas gerais, o processo consta das seguintes fases : a) tratamento de raízes por uma solução saturada de paradiclorobenzeno ; b) fixação em Carnoy ; c) hidrólise em HCl a 10%, a 60°C durante dois minutos ; d) lavagens em água destilada ; e) lavagens em ácido acético a 45% ; f) coloração dos esfregaços pela orceína acética. Em virtude dêsse tratamento, os cromossômios se contraem e se apresentam bem separados nas placas metafásicas, sendo facilitada a sua determinação numérica. As constrições, a duplicidade e os satélites nos cromossômios, ficam também postos em...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1950 URL:
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Address delivered on occasion of the 133rd anniversary of the Kebun Raya Indonesia, on May 17, 1950, by the Director of the Botanic Gardens of Indonesia Ir Kusnoto 16
Ladies and gentlemen! To-day 133 years ago, as you all know, ” ’ s Lands Plantentuin ‘ was founded under the direction of Professor Reinwardt. To-day, however, is the first time that ” ’s Lands Plantentuin“ celebrates its anniversary as ‘Kebun Raya Indonesia’, under the changed circumstances following the transfer of Sovereignty on December 27, 1949.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1950 URL:
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Adubação do repôlho: Parte I - Experiências preliminares 53
Camargo,L. de Sousa.
Cabbage is an important vegetable crop in the State of São Paulo. The present study relates primarilly to the effect of fertilizer applications on the production of cabbage. The tests were carried out both at Tupi and at Campinas Experiment Stations. Under the condition of the these tests very good results were obtained from the following mineral fertilizer application : NPK (5:13:5), applied at the rate of 1,800 kilograms per hectare. (22,000 plants) The best results in terms of cabbage production were obtained by application of a combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers, organic fertilizer being applied in the form of banayard manure (3 000 g) or cotton seed meal (300 g) per plant, and the NPK (7:10:8)being applied at the rate of 1,260 kilograms...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1950 URL:
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Afscheidscollege 16
Pulle, A.A..
Dames en Heren, In een universitair blad kwam onlangs de mededeling voor, dat aan een hoogleraar, die zich in dezelfde moeilijkheid bevindt als ik, nl. dat hij in de loop van deze cursus 70 jaar is geworden, een afscheidscollege zou worden aangeboden. Ik vond dat een sympathiek plan. Als men met college geven, ondanks de daaraan verbonden bezwaren, de 70-jarige leeftijd heeft gehaald, is het werkelijk geen overbodige weelde dat een ander de taak voor deze laatste keer van hem overneemt.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1950 URL:
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An Economic Survey of the Productivity of Dairy Farms on the Red Basaltic Soils of the Far North Coast of New South Wales 31
Kingsland, Alison M..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 1950 URL:
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An introduction to the theory of statistics 121
por Udny G. Yule y M.G. Kendall; Yule, G. Udny.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1950 URL:
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An investigation into the earlier vegetation of central Friesland (The Netherlands) 16
Zeist, W. van.
1. This paper deals with a pollenanalytical investigation of holocenic peat-layers in Central Friesland. 2. One diagram shows a praeboreal spectrum with Betula in the dominant position, the first appearance of thermophilous trees (Corylus, Alnus) and a high percentage of Gramineous and Cyperaceous pollen. 3. Originally in all diagrams the percentages of Ericaceous pollen are low. 4. During the boreal time the peat formation was of little importance. A maximum of Corylus pollen in the boreal period has not been found here. 5. In the Atlanticum a thick layer of peat has been formed; the percentage of Alnus pollen remains high, the Quercetum-mixtum fluctuates between 10 and 25 per cent and there is also much Corylus pollen. 6. Two narrow clay-bands are...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1950 URL:
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Análise de um experimento para combate de vira-cabeça do tomateiro 53
Fraga Jr.,C. G.; Costa,A. S..
A detailed statistical analysis of a balanced, incomplete block experiment with insecticides to control tomato spotted wilt is given. The effect of the treatments was studied in relation to stand an yield. The angular transformation was used for stand, and the analysis of stand and yield was made with and without the inter-block information. The results indicated that all insecticides tested, viz. Rhodiatox, Fosfern, Hexason 2510 M, Toxaphene, and tartar emetic reduced the number of plants killed by spotted wilt. The higher the concentration of the insecticides the better was the gain in stand. Some insecticides had a detrimental effect on the plant, at, high concentrations. In relation to yield the treatments could be placed in two groups : a) a group in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1950 URL:
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Annotated List of Phyto-Taxonomical and Phyto-Geographical Publications on or of Importance to the Malaysian Region 16
Adams, J. E.: Studies in the comparative anatomy of the Cornaceae. (Journ. Elisha Mitch. Sci. Soc, 65, 1949, 218-244). Cornaceae probably correctly estimated as the primitive family of the traditional Umbellales. Literature! Anonymous: (Both the entries sub Anonymous on p. 169 of this Bulletin were published anonymously but are referable to Hildebrand F. H.).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1950 URL:
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Annotated phyto-taxonomical & phyto-geographical publications on or of importance to the Malaysian flora 16
Alphen de Veer, E.J. van: Een teratologisch novum (Chron. Naturae 105, 1949, 150-152, 3 fig.). Peculiar polyconal monstruosity of Pinus merkusii. Anonymous: Lijst van boomsoorten verzameld in de Afd. Kapoeas-Barito, Z. Borneo. Ditto, in de Afd. Bandjermasin, Hoeloe Soengel, Z.O. Borneo. Ditto, in de Afd. Samarinda, O. Borneo. Rapport v.h. Bosbouwproefstation Buitenzorg no. 2, 3 & 5, 76, 61 & 48 pp. March, April 1949. Mimeograph. Lists of tree species collected, arranged both by native names and Latin names; of each species the number of specimens and durability class is added.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1950 URL:
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