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Provedor de dados:  CIGR Journal
País:  China
Título:  RSMSOMT Response Surface Methodology Optimization of operational and machine parameters of solar powered multicrop thresher on soybean
Autores:  Harerimana, Leonce
Mishra, Indra Mani
Pramood Kumar, Sharma
Ahmad Parray, Roaf
Devram Lande, Satish Devram Lande
Bandyopdhayaya, Kalikinkar
Kumar Sarkar, Susheel
Data:  2024-03-30
Ano:  2024
Resumo:  Considering the need for threshing the current energy crisis, the power potential of solar energy, especially, many stand-alone solar installations in rural areas, and their use, a study was undertaken to develop and evaluate a solar-powered multicrop thresher under various seasons of the year on soybean. The study was conducted in IARI-New Delhi, aiming to assess the seasonal suitability of the solar operated thresher. The devolved prototype was evaluated on soybean crops, and the results were used to optimize the operational and machine parameters by Response Surface Methodology (RSM), with Central Composite Design (CCD). Four independent parameters, each at three levels, were taken viz. feed rate, cylinder speed, concave clearance, and spike types to evaluate their effects on three response variables, namely, threshing efficiency, cleaning efficiency, and energy consumption. The response variables ranged from 96.3 % to 99.9%, 86.68% to 93.05%, and 1.12 kWh/q to 1.74 kWh/q, respectively, for threshing efficiency, cleaning efficiency, and energy consumption. The cylinder speed affected all response variables at 1% level of significance. The optimization showed that the best operational and machine settings were 685 rpm cylinder speed, 4.3 kg/min, feed rate, 20mm concave clearance, and spike type 3. The desirability was 0.799, and the performance for threshing efficiency, cleaning efficiency, and energy consumption were 99.99%, 92.72%, and 1.45kWh/q, respectively. However, the season-based optimization with lower feed rates was found advantageous to increase the duration of up to 5 hours of thresher operation in thresher direct coupling mode.  
Tipo:  Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Idioma:  Inglês
Editor:  International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal; Vol. 26 No. 1 (2024): CIGR Journal

Direitos:  Copyright (c) 2024 Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal

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