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Provedor de dados:  Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
País:  Chile
Título:  Effect of an infusion of canelo and bitter lupin on Aegorhinus superciliosus adults
Autores:  Quintana,Romina
Data:  2011-12-01
Ano:  2011
Palavras-chave:  Aegorhinus superciliosus
Aqueous extract
Drimys winteri
Lupinus albus
Resumo:  A. superciliosus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), known as "cabrito del maitén" (CM) among other names, is an important pest affecting fruit-bearing bushes in southern and central southern Chile. One means of control is the use of organically synthesized insecticides that target the adult, the application of which generally is disadvantageous because these insecticides have long-lasting residual effects and because spraying coincides with flowering and the harvest of the fruit. To complement other pesticides that are more degradable and selective and less harmful to the environment, this work studied the effect of an infusion of canelo buds (Drimys winteri) with leaves and stems of bitter lupin (Lupinus albus) on CM adults. The research evaluated mortality, anti-feeding effect and the percentage of eggs hatched with four treatments using these plants at concentrations of 10, 20, 40 and 100% infusion, plus a control with no application. Each treatment was replicated ten times. The infusions obtained at a proportion of 1:1 (w/v) exhibited no effect on the variables studied at a significance of 5%, with the exception of its effect on egg hatching, which exhibited an apparent direct relation with the canelo infusion and an inverse relation with the aqueous extract of lupin. The results indicate that the lupin infusion may have an insectistatic effect on the reproduction of CM.
Tipo:  Journal article
Idioma:  Inglês
Editor:  Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal
Formato:  text/html
Fonte:  Ciencia e investigación agraria v.38 n.3 2011

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