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Registro completo
Provedor de dados:  Naturalis
País:  Netherlands
Título:  Records of Antillean Water-striders (Heteroptera)
Autores:  Kort-Gommers, M. de
Nieser, N.
Data:  1969
Ano:  1969
Resumo:  The material studied was mainly collected during Dr. P. WAGENAAR HUMMELINCK’S voyages to the West Indies in the years 1936/37, 1948/49, 1955 and 1963/64. The specimens from the Netherlands Antilles have been studied by COBBEN 1960, and DRAKE & COBBEN 1960. The present contribution deals mainly with the older material from other islands and the specimens collected during the 1963/64 trip. Some of the identifications were done by Mr. L. VAN DIJK and Mr. H. DE VUYST, during predoctoral studies.
Tipo:  Article / Letter to the editor
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands (0166-5189) vol.30 (1969) nr.1 p.72
Direitos:  (c) Naturalis

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