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Provedor de dados:  Naturalis
País:  Netherlands
Título:  On Winkleria maastrichtensis nov. gen. et nov. spec. (Echinoidea, Regularia, Stirodonta, Phymosomina, ? Phymosomatidae) from the Upper-Cretaceous (Md) of Maastricht (Limburg, Netherlands)
Autores:  Engel, H.
Data:  1964
Ano:  1964
Resumo:  Characterized by a small hemispherical test. Ambulacra with simple primaries; pores in a regular, simple series; nearly every ambulacral primary plate with a tubercle. Ambulacra hourglass-shaped, as they are narrower at the ambitus, while the interambulacrals are extraordinarily widened there, extra IA plates wedging in from the borders. IA plates low, each with a horizontal series of tubercles. No clear distinction between primary and secondary tubercles, no distinct vertical series of tubercles. Apical system unknown. Peristome rather large. Spines unknown.
Tipo:  Article / Letter to the editor
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Beaufortia (0067-4745) vol.10 (1964) nr.126 p.207
Direitos:  (c) Naturalis

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