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Provedor de dados:  Naturalis
País:  Netherlands
Título:  On the dates of publication of the parts of Sir Andrew Smith’s illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa
Autores:  Jentink, F.A.
Data:  1893
Ano:  1893
Resumo:  Under the above title there has been published a very valuable paper in the P. Z. S. L. 1880, p. 489, written by Mr. F. H. Waterhouse. The author remarked: »As the copy here alluded to, did not contain plates XVIII and XXXVIII (Mammalia), I have examined three or four other copies; and as neither of these plates are to be found in any of these, I presume they do not exist”. I think it is not without interest to know, that in the copy belonging to our Museum-library, plate 38 is present; plates 18 and 37 however, are absent. On plate 38 there are two figures of Catoblepas taurina, A. adult female, B. young.
Tipo:  Article / Letter to the editor
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Notes from the Leyden Museum (1872-9231) vol.15 (1893) nr.3 p.182
Direitos:  (c) Naturalis

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