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Provedor de dados:  OAK
País:  Japan
Título:  枝肉格付形質および画像解析形質が午枝肉価格に与える影響の市場間比較
Intermarket comparison of the influence of carcass-grading traits and image-analyzed traits on the unit price of beef carcasses
Autores:  岡本, 圭介
浜崎, 陽子
大澤, 剛史
丸山, 新
加藤, 貴之
口田, 圭吾
OKAMOTO, Keisuke
OSAWA, Takefumi
KATO, Takayuki
Data:  2007
Ano:  2007
Palavras-chave:  画像解析
Image analysis
Price of beef carcass
Japanese Black
Resumo:  Digital images of the rib eye area at the 6th and 7th ribs of Japanese Black steers were taken using photographing equipment at meat processing plants in area A and area B. The ratio of marbling area to rib eye area (FAR),overall coarseness of marbling,coarseness of the largest marbling particle in the rib eye,ratio of minor and major axes of the rib eye,and complexity of the rib eye shape were calculated by image analysis. The carcass traits considered were carcass weight, rib eye area,rib thickness,subcutaneous fat thickness,BMS number,and BFS grade. The influence of the beef carcass traits assigned by a grader and image analysis traits on the carcass unit price in each market was investigated. The BMS number had the highest impact on the carcass unit price in the two models of BMS numbers utilized for both markets,and the standardized partial regression coefficients (SPRC) of the BMS number were 0.687~0.690 for area A and 0.625~0.654 for area B. The traits that had the second-highest impact were the BFS grade in area A and the rib thickness in area B. The FAR had the highest influence on the carcass unit price in the two FAR models utilized for both markets,and the SPRC of the FAR was 0.644~0.681 for area A and 0.569~0.638 for area B. The traits that had the second-highest impact were the rib eye area in area A and the overall coarseness or rib thickness in area B.
Idioma:  Japonês
Identificador:  北畜会報
Editor:  北海道畜産学会
Formato:  application/pdf
Direitos:  北海道畜産学会

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