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Provedor de dados:  20
País:  Belgium
Título:  The potential and strategies for optimum utilization of the fisheries resources of Nigeria
Autores:  Ajayi, T.O.
Talabi, S.O.
Data:  2008-05-31
Ano:  1984
Palavras-chave:  Fishery development
Fishery resources
Fishery resources
Resumo:  The potential of the fishery resources of Nigeria (marine, brackish and freshwater) is assessed by means of primary and secondary data. The status of fish culture and its rapid development possibilities are discussed. Catch disposal and wastage therefore are critically examined. The inshore artisanal fisheries which have access to 128,000-170,000 mt of demersal pelagic and shellfish resources annually appear to be almost fully exploited. There is hope however for increased capture gear efficiency. On the other hand, the demersal stocks of the inshore industrial fishery, with a potential of 20,000 m.t. are still under-utilised. If poaching is eliminated, 3,500-4,000 mt of shrimp P. notialis can be harvested along with 7,000 mt of good sized fish as by catch. The offshore fisheries, composed of demersal stocks (10,000 m.t.) small pelagic fisheries (8,900 m.t.) and a seemingly large potential of deep water red shrimps, are not harvest at all by Nigeria. The freshwater fishery is exclusively artisanal. Lake Kainji, which is over fished, can produce 5,000-7,000 mt with possibilities of significant increases when well managed. A potential of 42,000-55,000 mt in lake Chad is dependent on lake water stabilising at current levels. The rivers and tributaries, which are rich in fresh-water fishes, appear to be under exploited. Only a small fraction of the 175,150-525,000 tonnes harvestable from fish culture annually is now produced; due largely to inadequate fingerling and feed supply and to the low level of technical expertise. Optimisation of the production capacities through rational utilisation could only be achieved by means of the combined efforts of the private and the public sectors. In particular the organised private sector could find the artisanal fisheries (inshore and freshwater) a good source of raw materials and finished products. The possibilities include low moisture smoked fish, canned fish and fishmeal. The authors are optimistic that in the long term, a good proportion of the local fish demand can be met through intensive fish farming. In the interim,

Tipo:  Report
Idioma:  Inglês
Identificador:  978-2345-00-17
Relação:  Technical Paper, 18
Formato:  24

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