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Bloom de Noctiluca scintillans y Ceratium dens en el Golfo de Guayaquil (2004)
Autores: |
Torres, G.
Palacios, C.
Data: |
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Palavras-chave: |
Algal blooms
Red tides
Species diversity
Algal blooms
Species diversity
Resumo: |
El objetivo de este estudio fue difundir las investigaciones del bloom de C. dens y N. scintillans ocurridos en el Golfo de Guayaquil como parte del Proyecto de Mareas Rojas desarrollado por el Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada (INOCAR).
This study presents the evolution bloom algal by means of the reception of three samples (with red tide) and two surface monitoring before made and after bloom of Ceratium dens. The 26 of august/04, bloom of Noctiluca scintillans was registered in front of the tourist beach of Jambelí and entrance of the Channel Santa Rosa with a duration between 3 to 5 days. The 1 of september/04 was registered the C. dens in the north of Jambelí island (Buoy of sea). The 7 of september/04 a great patch of red tide (> 2km) caused by bloom C. dens was demonstrated. During the made sampling 3 and 4 of october/04, increase the diversity of the phytoplankton with 123 species in low tide and 84 species in high water, without presence of red tides C. dens was little. Local fishermen mentioned that the red tide was observed until the 24-25 of september, after of the high mortality of Cetengraulis mysticetus (Chuhueco) between to 10 to the 12 of august/04 in the external part of Jambelí, in the channel of Santa Rosa and tourist wharf of Port Bolivar; environmental condition that caused fishing conflicts in Port Bolivar.
Tipo: |
Journal Contribution
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Identificador: |
Acta Oceanográfica del Pacífico, 14(1). p. 125-130
Editor: |
Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada, Guayaquil, Ecuador