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Registro completo
Provedor de dados:  20
País:  Belgium
Título:  IOC/GLOSS-GOOS: Training Workshop on Sea-Level Data Analysis. South Africa 16-27 Nov 1998
Data:  2005-07-15
Ano:  1999
Palavras-chave:  Data analysis
Sea level data
Resumo:  The main body of the Workshop was devoted to fromal presentations, discussions and hands-on training in sea-level measurements and analysis. In addition, two days of field excursions were undertaken, and a programme of social events took place; The detail of the Workshop Programme can be found in Annex I, whilst a list of course facilities and reference materials can be found in Annex III
Tipo:  Working Paper
Idioma:  Inglês
Identificador:  IOC Training Course Report No. 51
Editor:  UNESCO
Formato:  1441772 bytes


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