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Provedor de dados:  21
País:  Germany
Título:  Quantifying the impact of landscape and habitat features on biodiversity in cultivated landscapes
Autores:  Jeanneret, Philippe
Schüpbach, Beatrice
Luka, Henryk
Data:  2003
Ano:  2003
Palavras-chave:  Crop husbandry
Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Resumo:  Determining habitat and landscape features that lead to patterns of biodiversity in cultivated landscapes is an important step for the assessment of the impact of extensification programmes in agriculture. In the context of an assessment of the effect of national extensification programme on biodiversity in agriculture, field data of three regions (7 km2 each) were collected according to a stratified sampling method. A distribution model of three taxa (spiders, carabid beetles, and butterflies) is related to influencing factors by means of multivariate statistics (canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), partial CCA). Hypothetical influencing factors are categorised as follows: (1) habitat (habitat type, plant species richness) and (2) landscape (habitat heterogeneity, variability, diversity, proportion of natural and semi-natural areas). The correlative model developed for the spider assemblages revealed that the most important local habitat factors are those directly influenced by management practices. Landscape variability, heterogeneity and diversity in the surroundings are not significant factors. Carabid beetle assemblages show a positive reaction to landscape features and respond to particular cultivated surroundings. The model developed for butterflies shows that species assemblages are sensitive to landscape features. Surrounding land use in particular, has a major influence. There are no general models relating overall species diversity to landscape diversity. The relationship strongly depends on the organism examined. Therefore, biodiversity response to landscape and habitat changes (e.g. the extensification programme) has to be identified by means of multi-taxon concept. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Tipo:  Journal paper
Idioma:  Inglês

Jeanneret, Philippe; Schüpbach, Beatrice and Luka, Henryk (2003) Quantifying the impact of landscape and habitat features on biodiversity in cultivated landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 98, pp. 311-320.

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