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Registro completo
Provedor de dados:  Organic Eprints
País:  Germany
Título:  Crop rotations on diversified farms
Autores:  Mohler, Charles L.
Data:  2013
Ano:  2013
Palavras-chave:  Crop combinations and interactions Soil Crop health
Protection Weed management
Resumo:  The webinar offers an overview of how crop rotation can be used as a multi-functional management technique to address pests and weeds in diversified systems. Emphasis is placed on considerations for weed, pest, and nutrient management, based on examples and input for farmers. It shows, among other topics, how to use excel worksheets to plan and map crop rotations. It can be accessed any time and offers a certificate of participation. The webinar is targeted both to newcomers and experienced organic farmers. Webinar contents are based on experiences made in the Northeastern part of the United States but the concepts can be applied on other countries.
Tipo:  Practice tool
Idioma:  Inglês

{Tool} Crop rotations on diversified farms. Creator(s): Mohler, Charles L.. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2013)
Formato:  image/png

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