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Provedor de dados:  21
País:  Germany
Título:  Erfahrungen mit der intravenösen Allgemeinanästhesie mittels Ketamin/Azaperon bei der chirurgischen Ferkelkastration
Autores:  Minihuber, Ulrike
Hagmüller, Werner
Data:  2013-09-09
Ano:  2013
Palavras-chave:  Health and welfare
Resumo:  In Austria male piglets are routinely castrated to prevent sexual odor ("boartaint"). European stakeholders of agriculture assume that surgical castration of pigs without anesthesia could be banned by 2018. The aim of this research work is to determine the practicability of piglet castration by intravenous injection method. In total, 353 piglets were castrated at an average age of about 24 days. In the course of investigations, the initial dose was increased slightly. The quality of castration was assessed during castration based on defensive movements and vocalization of piglets. Piglets received a weight-dependent application of the anesthetic (mg/kg) and after castration they were separated in the creep area for about one hour. There was a difference between the two doses. Independent of the dose 97 % of the piglets were assessed excellent or satisfying concerning anesthesia and overall assessment of the castration. The costs of drug vary, depending on weight from 15 to 20 cents/kg live weight and the vet bills amount to € 2/piglet.
Tipo:  Conference paper, poster, etc.

Minihuber, Ulrike and Hagmüller, Werner (2013) Erfahrungen mit der intravenösen Allgemeinanästhesie mittels Ketamin/Azaperon bei der chirurgischen Ferkelkastration. Paper at: 12. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 5. bis 8. März 2013.
Formato:  application/pdf

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