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Provedor de dados:  OMA
País:  Belgium
Título:  Anatomy and ultrastructure of the proboscis in <i>Mesorhynchus terminostylis</i> (Platyhelminthes, Rhabdocoela)
Autores:  De Vocht, A.
Data:  1991
Ano:  1991
Resumo:  The ultrastructural organization of the proboscis in Mesorhynchus terminostylis is distinctly different from that in other members of the Polycystididae in which it is currently classified. The sheath epithelium is formed by three belts, all with intra-epithelial nuclei. The apical belt of the bipartite cone epithelium has a single intrabulbar nucleus, and the basal belt possesses five insunk nucleiferous cell parts behind the bulb. Six types of glands surface through the epithelia; the three types emerging through the cone epithelium can be homologized with those described for Polycistis naegelii. Only uniciliary receptors are found in the epithelium. The musculature in the bulb has a very loose appearance, and the bulbar septum appears to be a bipartite basement membrane. The septum can be considered the basement membrane of the cone epithelium as if the contractile portion of the inner longitudinal muscles have invaded the epithelium and come to lie between the epithelial cells and the basement membrane. Thus the inner musculature of the bulb is entirely intraepithelial as is the case for Psammorhynchus tubulipenis and Cytocystis clitellatus. The systematic position of M. terminostylis remains uncertain but seems to lie between Psammorhynchus and Cytocystis on one hand and Koinocystididae and Polycystididae on the other.
Tipo:  Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Idioma:  Inglês
Relação:  info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/A1991HA47100038
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  %3Ci%3EHydrobiologia+227%3C%2Fi%3E%3A+291-298
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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