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Provedor de dados:  AgEcon
País:  United States
Título:  Consumer preferences for table cassava characteristics in Pernambuco, Brazil
Autores:  Gonzalez, Carolina
Johnson, Nancy L.
Data:  2010-10-18
Ano:  2009
Palavras-chave:  Cassava
Consumer preferences
Hedonic price
Northeast of Brazil
Consumer/Household Economics
Resumo:  Cassava is a major source of carbohydrate for populations in the tropics; however, there is little information about the preferences of consumers toward the quality characteristics of this crop. This paper analyzes the demand for different cassava attributes, and applies the hedonic price method to estimate the values that consumers give to implicit attributes of cassava. The results show that ease of peeling, time of cooking and texture of cassava are the most important characteristics consumers consider when purchasing and consuming cassava. Cassava varieties, root size, ease of peeling and location of the market are relevant attributes in price determination.
Tipo:  Journal Article
Idioma:  Inglês
Identificador:  1679-1614
Relação:  Revista de Economia e Agronegocio/Brazilian Review of Economics and Agribusiness>Volume 7, Number 3, 2009
Formato:  20

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