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Provedor de dados:  AgEcon
País:  United States
Título:  Research on Development Strategy of Industry of Edible Beans in West China
Autores:  Zhu, Zhou-ping
Xie, Song-feng
Li, Hai-ju
Zhou, Tao
Liu, Yun-hua
Zhang, Bao-jun
Data:  2012-01-16
Ano:  2011
Palavras-chave:  Edible beans
Brand effect
Resumo:  The West China is main producing region and advantageous producing region of edible beans. Developing industry of edible beans in West China has prominent regional advantage, production advantage, quality advantage, market advantage, and price advantage. We analyze the problems existing in the process of development of industry of edible beans in West China as follows: the cognition is insufficient; fund for scientific research is short; the basic research is weak; the planting is sparse; the industrialization is not sound; the information is restricted. Corresponding suggestions are put forward in this paper as follows, in order to ensure the healthy development of industry of edible beans in China: formulate preferential policies; establish high-quality edible producing bases; promote the brand effect; pay attention to post production development; develop the idea of new agricultural planting and cultivation.
Tipo:  Article
Idioma:  Inglês
Relação:  Asian Agricultural Research> Volume 03, Issue 07, July 2011
Formato:  4

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