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Registro completo
Provedor de dados:  AgEcon
País:  United States
Título:  International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns: An Update Using 2005 International Comparison Program Data
Autores:  Muhammad, Andrew
Meade, Birgit Gisela Saager
Data:  2012-02-06
Ano:  2011
Palavras-chave:  ICP 2005
High-value food products
Consumption patterns
Marginal share
Income elasticity
Price elasticity
Demand and Price Analysis
Food Security and Poverty
International Development
Research Methods/ Statistical Methods
Resumo:  In a 2003 report, International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns, ERS economists estimated income and price elasticities of demand for broad consumption categories and food categories across 114 countries using 1996 International Comparison Program (ICP) data. This report updates that analysis with an estimated two-stage demand system across 144 countries using 2005 ICP data. Advances in ICP data collection since 1996 led to better results and more accurate income and price elasticity estimates. Low-income countries spend a greater portion of their budget on necessities, such as food, while richer countries spend a greater proportion of their income on luxuries, such as recreation. Low-value staples, such as cereals, account for a larger share of the food budget in poorer countries, while high-value food items are a larger share of the food budget in richer countries. Overall, low-income countries are more responsive to changes in income and food prices and, therefore, make larger adjustments to their food consumption pattern when incomes and prices change. However, adjustments to price and income changes are not uniform across all food categories. Staple food consumption changes the least, while consumption of higher-value food items changes the most.
Tipo:  Technical Report
Idioma:  Inglês
Relação:  United States Department of Agriculture>Economic Research Service>Technical Bulletins
Technical Bulletin
Number 1929
Formato:  53

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