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Registro completo
Provedor de dados:  31
País:  United States
Título:  Student Expectations and Preferences of Distance Course Delivery Methods
Autores:  Diebel, Penelope L.
Gow, Laura R.
Data:  2005-07-29
Ano:  2005
Palavras-chave:  Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession
Resumo:  Students in five courses offered with a variety of distance and on-campus delivery methods were surveyed to determine student expectations and post-evaluation of courses; student demographics; and student experiences and preferences with technology and course delivery methods. The response group was primarily degree seeking upperclassmen, taking a required course, equally split by gender and by delivery location. All students preferred a live class delivery method but videotape delivery appeared to have a higher student satisfaction level than satellite. On-campus students found simultaneous satellite delivery distracting but not detrimental to their learning experience. Students consistently misjudged the content and workload of courses.
Tipo:  Conference Paper or Presentation
Idioma:  Inglês
Identificador:  17101
Editor:  AgEcon Search
Relação:  Western Agricultural Economics Association>2005 Annual Meeting, July 6-8, 2005, San Francisco, California
Selected Paper
Formato:  19


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