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Provedor de dados:  31
País:  United States
Título:  Agricultural Trade Liberalization: Assessing the Consequences for Developing Countries
Autores:  Bureau, Jean-Christophe
Jean, Sebastien
Matthews, Alan
Data:  2005-09-28
Ano:  2005
Palavras-chave:  Agricultural trade liberalization
Developing countries
International Development
International Relations/Trade
Resumo:  Recent analyses suggest that the impact of agricultural trade liberalization on developing countries will be very uneven. Simulations suggest that the effects of agricultural trade liberalization will be small, overall, and are likely to be negative for a significant number of developing countries. The Doha Round focuses on tariff issues, but these countries currently have practically duty-free access to European and North American markets under preferential regimes. Multilateral liberalization will erode the benefits of these preferences, which are presently rather well utilized in the agricultural sector. The main obstacles to the exports of the poorest countries appear to be in the non-tariff area (sanitary, phytosanitary standards) which increasingly originate from the private sector and are not dealt with under the Doha framework (traceability requirements, etc.). An agreement in Doha is unlikely to solve these problems and open large markets for the poorest countries. While this is not an argument to give up multilateral liberalization, a more specific and differentiated treatment should be considered in WTO rules, and corrective measures should be implemented.
Tipo:  Conference Paper or Presentation
Idioma:  Inglês
Identificador:  17809
Editor:  AgEcon Search
Relação:  European Association of Agricultural Economists>2005 International Congress, August 23-27, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark
Contributed Paper
Formato:  21


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