Sabiia Seb
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Provedor de dados:  5
País:  France
Título:  Siboga Expeditie 1899-1900. Volume 2. Description of the ship and appliances used for scientific exploration
Autores:  Tydeman, G. F.
Data:  1913
Ano:  1913
Resumo:  H. M. twin-screw Gun-boat "Siboga", of the Dutch East India Military Marine Service was built in 1897 by the Netherland Ship-building Company at Amsterdam. The vessel is of steel, has twin screws, bilge-keels, steam-capstan, steam-steering-gear, electric light and search-light, two triple-expansion engines, two cylindrical boilers fitted with forced draught and one auxiliary boiler. (...) After the launch in 1898, and while the building was being completed the ship was ordered to join the deep-sea expedition in the East-Indian Archipelago conducted by Prof. Dr. MAX WEBER. It was therefore equipped with appliances and machinery necessary for this purpose. This work was executed at the Government dockyard in Amsterdam under the supervision of Professor WEBER and with the co-operation of the commander and the Naval Architect J. YAN DER STRUIJF, who had superintended the building of the ship from the beginning. The principal appliances used in the deep-sea exploration are illustrated on Plate I-III and in the following figures. For the manipulation of the heavier nets, (trawls, dredges and vertical nets) a steel wire rope was used 10000 metres long , wound on a reel, situated between decks forward. This cable or dredge-rope consisted of two lengths coupled together by a plate joint. (...) [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês
Formato:  application/pdf
Direitos:  E. J. BRILL, Leyden

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