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Provedor de dados:  5
País:  France
Título:  Exploring First Interactions Between Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) and Its Host, Crassostrea gigas: Effects of Specific Antiviral Antibodies and Dextran Sulfate
Autores:  Martenot, Claire
Faury, Nicole
Morga, Benjamin
Degremont, Lionel
Lamy, Jean-baptiste
Houssin, Maryline
Renault, Tristan
Data:  2019-05
Ano:  2019
Palavras-chave:  OsHV-1
Antiviral antibodies
Dextran sulfate
Crassostrea gigas
Resumo:  Viral entry mechanisms of herpesviruses constitute a highly complex process which implicates several viral glycoproteins and different receptors on the host cell surfaces. This initial infection stage was currently undescribed for Ostreid herpes virus 1 (OsHV-1), a herpesvirus infecting bivalves including the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. To identify OsHV-1 glyproteins implicated in the attachment of the virus to oyster cells, three viral putative membrane proteins, encoded by ORF 25, 41, and 72, were selected and polyclonal antibodies against these targets were used to explore first interactions between the virus and host cells. In addition, effects of dextran sulfate, a negative charged sulfated polysaccharide, were investigated on OsHV-1 infection. Effects of antiviral antibodies and dextran sulfate were evaluated by combining viral DNA and RNA detection in spat (in vivo trials) and in oyster hemolymph (in vitro trials). Results showed that viral protein encoded by ORF 25 appeared to be involved in interaction between OsHV-1 and host cells even if other proteins are likely implicated, such as proteins encoded by ORF 72 and ORF 41. Dextran sulfate at 30 mu g/mL significantly reduced the spat mortality rate in the experimental conditions. Taken together, these results contribute to better understanding the pathogenesis of the viral infection, especially during the first stage of OsHV-1 infection, and open the way toward new approaches to control OsHV-1 infection in confined facilities.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Frontiers Media Sa
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Frontiers In Microbiology (1664-302X) (Frontiers Media Sa), 2019-05 , Vol. 10 , N. 1128 , P. 13p.
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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