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Provedor de dados:  ArchiMer
País:  France
Título:  Dynamics of fault-fluid-hydrate system around a shale-cored anticline in deepwater Nigeria
Autores:  Sultan, Nabil
Riboulot, Vincent
Ker, Stephan
Marsset, Bruno
Geli, Louis
Tary, Jean-baptiste
Klingelhoefer, Frauke
Voisset, Michel
Lanfumey, Valentine
Colliat, Jean-louis
Adamy, Jerome
Grimaud, S.
Data:  2011-12
Ano:  2011
Resumo:  Gas hydrates were recovered by coring at the eastern border of a shale-cored anticline in the eastern Niger Delta. To characterize the link between faults and fluid release and to identify the role of fluid flow in the gas hydrate dynamics, three piezometers were deployed for periods ranging from 387 to 435 days. Two of them were deployed along a major fault linked to a shallow hydrocarbon reservoir while the third monitored the fluid pressure in a pockmark aligned above the same major fault. In addition, 10 ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) were deployed for around 60 days. The piezometers simultaneously registered a prolonged fluid flow event lasting 90 days. During this time, OBS measurements record several episodic fluid release events. By combining and analyzing existing and newly acquired data, we show that the fluid-fault system operates according to the following three stages: (1) upward pore fluid migration through existing conduits and free gas circulation within several shallow sandy layers intersecting the major fault, (2) gas accumulation and pore pressure increases within sandy-silty layers, and (3) hydrofracturing and fluid pressure dissipation through sporadic degassing events, causing pore fluid circulation through shallow sandy layers and drawing overlying seawater into the sediment. This paper clearly demonstrates how an integrated approach based on seafloor observations, in situ measurements, and monitoring is essential for understanding fault-fluid-hydrate systems.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Amer Geophysical Union
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth (0148-0227) (Amer Geophysical Union), 2011-12 , Vol. 116 , N. B12110 , P. 22 p.
Direitos:  2011 by the American Geophysical Union

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