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Provedor de dados:  5
País:  France
Título:  Simulation technique for slurries interacting with moving parts and deformable solids with applications
Autores:  Mutabaruka, Patrick
Kamrin, Ken
Data:  2018-04
Ano:  2018
Palavras-chave:  Discrete elements method
Lattice Boltzmann
Fluid-particle interaction
Smagorinsky turbulence model
Hyperelastic model
Neo-Hookean elastic rubber model
Resumo:  A numerical method for particle-laden fluids interacting with a deformable solid domain and mobile rigid parts is proposed and implemented in a full engineering system. The fluid domain is modeled with a lattice Boltzmann representation, the particles and rigid parts are modeled with a discrete element representation, and the deformable solid domain is modeled using a Lagrangian mesh. The main issue of this work, since separately each of these methods is a mature tool, is to develop coupling and model-reduction approaches in order to efficiently simulate coupled problems of this nature, as in various geological and engineering applications. The lattice Boltzmann method incorporates a large eddy simulation technique using the Smagorinsky turbulence model. The discrete element method incorporates spherical and polyhedral particles for stiff contact interactions. A neo-Hookean hyperelastic model is used for the deformable solid. We provide a detailed description of how to couple the three solvers within a unified algorithm. The technique we propose for rubber modeling/coupling exploits a simplification that prevents having to solve a finite-element problem at each time step. We also developed a technique to reduce the domain size of the full system by replacing certain zones with quasi-analytic solutions, which act as effective boundary conditions for the lattice Boltzmann method. The major ingredients of the routine are separately validated. To demonstrate the coupled method in full, we simulate slurry flows in two kinds of piston valve geometries. The dynamics of the valve and slurry are studied and reported over a large range of input parameters.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Springer International Publishing Ag
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Computational Particle Mechanics (2196-4378) (Springer International Publishing Ag), 2018-04 , Vol. 5 , N. 2 , P. 239-267
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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