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Provedor de dados:  ArchiMer
País:  France
Título:  Review of the Nassarius pauperus (Gould, 1850) complex (Nassariidae): Part 3, reinstatement of the genus Reticunassa, with the description of six new species
Autores:  Galindo, Lee Ann
Kool, Hugo H.
Dekker, Henk
Data:  2017-02
Ano:  2017
Palavras-chave:  Nassarius pauperus complex
Species delimitation
Resumo:  In this review (third part), several species within the Nassarius pauperus complex from the eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific are treated, including a revised concept of Nassa paupera Gould, 1850, type species of the genus Reticunassa Iredale, 1936. In the most recent taxonomic revision, several species had been synonymized with Nassarius pauperus (Gould, 1850), despite distinctive differences among these species in shell morphology. We sequenced a fragment of the mitochondrial COI and the nuclear 28S genes of all available Nassarius pauperus complex species. Automatic barcode gap discovery and reciprocal monophyly were applied to propose species delimitation hypotheses and to support a new concept of the genus. Using morphological and molecular characters, Reticunassa is elevated to full genus rank. Six new species are described: Reticunassa visayaensis sp. nov., R. poppeorum sp. nov., R. annabolteae sp. nov., R. goliath sp. nov., R. intrudens sp. nov. and R. thailandensis sp. nov., while R. tringa (Souverbie, 1864) is recognized as a valid species.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Museum Natl Histoire Naturelle
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  European Journal Of Taxonomy (2118-9773) (Museum Natl Histoire Naturelle), 2017-02 , Vol. 275 , P. 1-43
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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