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Provedor de dados:  ArchiMer
País:  France
Título:  Mixotrophy in the deep sea: a dual endosymbiotic hydrothermal mytilid assimilates dissolved and particulate organic matter
Autores:  Riou, Virginie
Colaco, Ana
Bouillon, Steven
Khripounoff, Alexis
Dando, Paul
Mangion, Perrine
Chevalier, Emilie
Korntheuer, Michael
Santos, Raphael
Dehairs, Frank
Data:  2010-04
Ano:  2010
Palavras-chave:  Bathymodiolus azoricus
Particulate and dissolved material
Nitrogen and carbon assimilation
Deep sea
Hydrothermal vent
Resumo:  Bathymodiolus azoricus mussels thrive 840 to 2300 m deep at hydrothermal vents of the Azores Triple Junction on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Although previous studies have suggested a mixotrophic regime for this species, no analysis has yet yielded direct evidence for the assimilation of particulate material. In the present study, tracer experiments in aquaria with C-13- and N-15-labelled amino acids and marine cyanobacteria demonstrate for the first time the incorporation of dissolved and particulate organic matter in soft tissues of vent mussel. The observation of phytoplanktonic tests in wild mussel stomachs highlights the occurrence of in situ ingestion of sea-surface-derived material. Particulate organic carbon fluxes in sediment traps moored away from direct vent influence are in agreement with carbon export estimates from the surface ocean above the vents attenuated by microbial degradation. Stable isotope composition of trapped organic matter is similar to values published in the literature, but is enriched by +7 parts per thousand in C-13 and +13 parts per thousand in N-15, relative to mussel gill tissue from the Menez Gwen vent. Although this observation suggests a negligible contribution of photosynthetically produced organic matter to the diet of B. azoricus, the tracer experiments demonstrate that active suspension-feeding on particles and dissolved organic matter could contribute to the C and N budget of the mussel and should not be neglected.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Inter-research
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Marine Ecology-progress Series (0171-8630) (Inter-research), 2010-04 , Vol. 405 , P. 187-201
Direitos:  2010 Inter-research


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