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Provedor de dados:  BJMBR
País:  Brazil
Título:  Association of angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and polymorphism with echocardiographic measures in familial and nonfamilial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Autores:  Buck,P.C.
Data:  2009-08-01
Ano:  2009
Palavras-chave:  Echocardiography
ACE activity
ACE polymorphism
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Left ventricular mass index
Resumo:  Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity and polymorphism contribute significantly to the prognosis of patients with cardiomyopathy. The aim of this study was to determine the activity and type of ACE polymorphism in patients with familial and nonfamilial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and to correlate these with echocardiographic measurements (echo-Doppler). We studied 136 patients (76 males) with HCM (69 familial and 67 nonfamilial cases). Mean age was 41 ± 17 years. DNA was extracted from blood samples for the polymerase chain reaction and the determination of plasma ACE levels. Left ventricular mass, interventricular septum, and wall thickness were measured. Mean left ventricular mass index, interventricular septum and wall thickness in familial and nonfamilial forms were 154 ± 63 and 174 ± 57 g/m² (P = 0.008), 19 ± 5 and 21 ± 5 mm (P = 0.02), and 10 ± 2 and 12 ± 3 mm (P = 0.0001), respectively. ACE genotype frequencies were DD = 35%, ID = 52%, and II = 13%. A positive association was observed between serum ACE activity and left ventricular mass index (P = 0.04). Logistic regression showed that ACE activity was twice as high in patients with familial HCM and left ventricular mass index ≥190 g/m² compared with the nonfamilial form (P = 0.02). No other correlation was observed between ACE polymorphisms and the degree of myocardial hypertrophy. In conclusion, ACE activity, but not ACE polymorphisms, was associated with the degree of myocardial hypertrophy in the patients with HCM.
Tipo:  Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Idioma:  Inglês
Editor:  Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica
Relação:  10.1590/S0100-879X2009005000001
Formato:  text/html
Fonte:  Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research v.42 n.8 2009
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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