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Provedor de dados:  7
País:  Canada
Título:  Locust Control in Transition: The Loss and Reinvention of Collective Action in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan
Autores:  Toleubayev, Kazbek; Wageningen University, The Netherlands;
Jansen, Kees; Wageningen University, The Netherlands;
van Huis, Arnold; Wageningen University, The Netherlands;
Data:  2007-12-28
Ano:  2007
Palavras-chave:  Collective action
Institutional change
Land use
Plant protection
Public good
Soviet Union
Transition period.
Resumo:  The inability to organize collective action for pest control can lead to severe problems. This paper focuses on the locust management system in Kazakhstan since the formation of the Soviet State. During the Transition Period after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Plant Protection Service disintegrated. The principles of central planning were replaced with individualistic approaches with little state involvement in pest control activities or pesticide regulation. The financial and ideological reasons for dismantling the existing pest control system did not recognize the potential impact that policy-induced changes in agro-ecological conditions and control practices would have on pest development. Nature hit back at the induced institutional change that occurred in the Kazakh pest control system: an extremely harmful locust plague took the country by surprise between 1998 and 2001. This paper examines from an interdisciplinary perspective the co-evolution of locust populations, land use systems, knowledge about locusts, campaigns against them, and institutions in Soviet times and in the Transition Period. It argues the need for collective action theory to extend its present focus from local level institutions for resource management to higher level social-technical systems.
Tipo:  Peer-Reviewed Synthesis
Idioma:  Inglês
Identificador:  vol12/iss2/art38/
Editor:  Resilience Alliance
Formato:  text/html application/pdf
Fonte:  Ecology and Society; Vol. 12, No. 2 (2007)

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