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Provedor de dados:  International Journal of Morphology
País:  Chile
Título:  Anatomy and Variations of the Celiac Trunk
Autores:  Petrella,Selma
Rodriguez,Celio Fernando de Sousa
Sgrott,Emerson Alexandre
Fernandes,Geraldo José Medeiros
Marques,Sergio Ricardo
Prates,José Carlos
Data:  2007-06-01
Ano:  2007
Palavras-chave:  Anatomy
Celiac trunk
Anatomical variations
Resumo:  The aim of this study was to analyze anatomy of the celiac trunk through its diameter, length, emission and variation of its branches. Sixty-nine cadavers fixed in 10% formalin solution were dissected in the anatomy laboratories of the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP/EPM), Lusiadas of Santos University (UNILUS) and Santo Amaro University (UNISA) and 20 non-fixed cadavers from Death Verification Services, of the Sao Paulo University (USP) and Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP/EPM). Dissection of the trunk celiac of these cadavers was performed after opening of the peritoneal cavity. The obtained results allowed us to conclude the following: 1) Mensuration of the length from the celiac trunk up to its first branch, the left gastric and/or splenic artery in 81 cadavers with a mean length of 1.23 cm in males, and 1.18 cm in females. We verified as the first branch of the celiac trunk, the left gastric artery in 55 ( 67.90%), splenic artery in two (2.47%), both in six (7.41%), and in 18 (22.22%) the three arteries trifiircating at the same level, forming the Haller's tripod. 2) Mensuration of the length from the celiac trunk up to its last artery, the common hepatic and/or splenic artery in 68 cadavers, with a mean length of 1.74 cm in males, 1.74 cm in females. We verified as the last branch of the celiac trunk, the common hepatic artery in 13 (19.12%), the splenic in four (5.88%), both in 33 (48.53%) and 18 (22.22%) the three arteries trifiircating at the same level. 3) Mensuration of the celiac trunk diameter in 77 cadavers had a mean of 0.65 cm in males and 0.67 cm females. 4) Mensuration of the distance between the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery in 76 cadavers had a mean of 0.72 cm in males and 0.74 cm in females. 5) The celiac trunk emitted in 73 (82.02%) out of the 89 cadavers the left gastric, splenic and hepatic arteries. In the remaining 16(17.98%) variations regarding the number of emitted arteries and their disposition in the celiac trunk were observed. The trunk celiac emitted besides the three arteries, a gastroduodenal artery in six (6.74%), gastroduodenocolic trunk in one accessory hepatic artery in only two (2.25%). We also verified in three (3.37%) cadavers, one (1.12%) gastrosplenic trunk, in two (2.25%) one hepatosplenic trunk, in one (1.12%) the common hepatic as the only branch and in one (1.12%) absence of the celiac trunk
Tipo:  Journal article
Idioma:  Inglês
Editor:  Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía
Formato:  text/html
Fonte:  International Journal of Morphology v.25 n.2 2007

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