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Comportement chimique et geochimique des elements a l'état de traces dans l'estuaire de la Seine: Synthese des discussions ArchiMer
Guegueniat, P.
In the synthesis of discussions about the chemistry of the Seine Bay, the author after a note on natural references for metal concentrations, speaks about fluorides, nutrients, PCB, and metallic elements. In conclusion some suggestions about pollutants transfer towards ecosystems link, are enumerated.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PCB; Fluorides; Chemical pollution; Trace metals; Food webs; Bioaccumulation; Biogeochemical cycle; Trace elements.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Distribution de 40 elements a l''etat de traces dans les suspensions de la Seine. Utilisation du lanthane pour etudier les processus sedimentaires dans l''estuaire et dans la baie ArchiMer
Guegueniat, P; Boust, D; Hemon, G; Phillipot, J; Lagarde, G; Heitz, C.
This work has three objectives in view: (1) the establishment of spatial distribution of 40 trace elements in suspensions and sediments of the Seine estuary and bay; (2) the research of non-reactive geochemical tracers of fluvial deposits; and (3) the illustration of sediment dynamics influence on distribution of elements during the particulate period.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment chemistry; River discharge; Geographical distribution; Estuarine dynamics; Sediment dynamics; Suspended particulate matter; Trace elements.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Les radionucleides emetteurs gamma dans les sediments de P''estuaire de l''Orne pendant les annees 1973-1983 ArchiMer
Auffret, J; Guegueniat, P; Lepy, M; Patry, J; Saur, H.
This work has three objectives: 1) review of the evolution of gamma radioactivity in sediments and suspensions of Orne Estuary; 2) comparison of results of contamination here with other estuaries in the north of France; and 3) using artificial radioactivity to study Orne estuarine dynamics.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ANE; France; Basse Normandie; Orne Estuary Tidal motion Hydrodynamics Silt Industrial wastes Sediment composition Radioactive contamination Sediment pollution Suspended particulate matter Radioisotopes.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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La dynamique des masses d'eaux et des matieres en suspension en Manche Orientale ArchiMer
Dupont, J P; Lafite, R; Huault, M F; Dupeuble, P A; Brylinski, J M; Guegueniat, P; Lamboy, M; Cabioch, L.
The structuration between nearshore and offshore waters along the macrotidal French Eastern Channel coast is demonstrated by longitudinal and vertical continuous recordings of salinity, temperature, turbidity and fluorimetry. The distribution of suspended particulate matter, one dissolved marker ( super(125)Sb) and particulate markers (such as diatoms) indicates the variability of the waters from coast to open sea. Semidiurnal and semilunar tidal cycles induce the birth and the evolution of frontal structures along shore-lines with or without estuaries. The hydrodynamic consequences for suspended matter fluxes are presented.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Pouvoir complexant des eaux de l'estuaire de la Seine ArchiMer
Fischer, J; Wartel, M; Guegueniat, P; Gandon, R.
Copper has been studied, by the authors, owing to its ability to complex with various organic ligands of natural waters. Metals extraction and liberation can be explained, in part, by this complexing capacity.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Estuaries; Suspended particulate matter; Dissolved organic matter; Copper; River discharge; Ion association; Metals; Biogeochemical cycle; Water properties.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Etude du comportement geochimique du fer dans l'estuaire de la Seine ArchiMer
Guegueniat, P; Boust, D; Gandon, R; Hemon, G; Phillipot, J; Sanchez, J; Marin, P; Pieri, J.
This paper reports the study of iron geochemical behavior by the measurement of total iron, iron associated with mineral coat, and ratio FEII/FEIII. The results of total iron are exploited by normalisation with regard to aluminium and scandium.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: River discharge; Sediments; Suspended particulate matter; Ion association; Iron; Geochemical cycle.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Mineral and organic soluble forms of zinc, iron and copper: Distribution in the Seine Estuary. ArchiMer
Gandon, R; Guegueniat, P; Fischer, J; Wartel, M.
One characteristic of the Seine Estuary system is the process of sediment resuspension by the specific hydrodynamics of this environment. It's the main factor of trace metals transport. Autotrophic activities also have an effect on the estuary, by pH variation. The behavior of soluble and organic copper, iron, have been studied in relation to salinity in and out of the estuary. The results are compared with those of other estuaries.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrodynamics; Physicochemical properties; Water properties; Dissolved organic matter; Biogeochemical cycle; Resuspension; Metals; Suspended particulate matter.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Comportement chimique et geochimique des elements a l'état de traces dans l''estuaire de la Seine: Une synthese des resultats ArchiMer
Guegueniat, P.
Five topics are developed in this synthesis: (1) multi elements analysis in geochemistry; (2) iron geochemical behavior; (3) complexing properties of waters; (4) copper behavior in estuarine waters; (5) impact of sediment dynamics on dissolved metals concentration.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Geographical distribution; Radiochemistry; Brackishwater pollution; Sediment dynamics; Dissolved chemicals; Heavy metals; Geochemistry; Physicochemical properties; Trace elements.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Évolution de la radioactivité artificielle gamma dans des sédiments littoraux de la Manche pendant les années 1976-1977-1978 ArchiMer
Guegueniat, P; Auffret, Jp; Baron, Y.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1979 URL:
Registros recuperados: 9
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