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Manuel des pêches maritimes françaises - Fascicule II ArchiMer
Beauge, L; Belloc, G; Boury, M; Desbrosses, P; Face, L; Le Gall, J; Lambert, L; Remy, D; Schvinte, J; Cochin, J.
The Manual of Maritime Fishing was drafted in 1935 by the Office of Maritime Fishing. The authors attempted to explain the technical situation of that time of the industry to which their studies were dedicated. Part II of this manual deals with the various types of fishing and their tools and particularly: - Trawling - Drift net fishing (herring and mackerel) - The other kinds of sea fishing: - Sardine fishing - Tuna fishing - Crustacean fishing - Line fishing - Coast fishing - Deep-sea fishing
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: History; Fisheries.
Ano: 1935 URL:
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Manuel des Pêches Maritimes Françaises - Fascicule III ArchiMer
Beauge, L; Belloc, G; Boury, M; Desbrosses, P; Face, L; Le Gall, J; Lambert, L; Remy, D; Schvinte, J; Cochin, J.
This version of the Manual of French Maritime Fishing was published in 1936 by the Office of Maritime Fishing. The authors attempted to explain the technical situation of that time of the industry to which their studies were dedicated. This third part deals with the main ports and fishing grounds: - North Sea and English Channel - Atlantic Ocean - Mediterranean - Iceland, Newfoundland, Greenland - Morocco and Mauritania This version of the Manual of French Maritime Fishing was published in 1936 by the Office of Maritime Fishing. The authors attempted to explain the technical situation of that time of the industry to which their studies were dedicated.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: History; Fisheries.
Ano: 1936 URL:
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Manuel des Pêches Maritimes françaises - Fascicule I ArchiMer
Beauge, L; Belloc, G; Boury, M; Desbrosses, P; Face, L; Le Gall, J; Lambert, L; Remy, D; Schvinte, J; Cochin,.
This version of the Manual of French Maritime Fishing was published in 1935 by the Office of Maritime Fishing. The authors attempted to explain the technical situation of that time of the industry to which their studies were dedicated. Here is a summary of the first part: - Introduction to the history of maritime fishing in France - Fishing in prehistoric times and in antiquity - Herring in the Middle Ages - Other fishing in the Middle Ages - Whaling and fishing other cetaceans - Deep-sea fishing: of cod fish in Newfoundland and on the Grand Banks - Fishing on the Newfoundland coast - The green fishery on the Grand Banks - Mussel fishing in Iceland and in the North Sea - Arrival of the steam trawler The evolution of French fishing. Conclusion - The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: History; Fisheries; Histoire; Pêche.
Ano: 1935 URL:
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Le pèlerin (Cetorhinus maximus Gunner) et sa pêche ArchiMer
Chenard, M; Desbrosses, P; Le Gall, J.
This study founds its origin in a report by M. M. Chenard, regional inspector of the OPM. 4 service in Quiberon on "basking shark fishing in the Quiberon area in 1946-1947"
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1951 URL:
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Manuel des Pêches Maritimes Françaises - Fascicule IV ArchiMer
Beauge, L; Belloc, G; Boury, M; Desbrosses, P; Face, L; Le Gall, J; Lambert, L; Remy, D; Schvinte, J; Cochin, J.
This fourth part deals with the following points: - Industries related to fishing: - Curing, salting and canning - Processing of by-products - Refrigeration - Processing of seaweed - Oyster farming, mussel farming and shellfish farming - General survey of maritime fishing regulation in France
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: History; Fisheries.
Ano: 1936 URL:
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