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The importance of tree cover and neighbourhood parks in determining urban property values AgEcon
Pandit, Ram; Polyakov, Maksym; Sadler, Rohan.
This paper presents a spatially explicit analysis of the contribution of urban trees and parks to residential property values. We estimated the effects of structural, neighbourhood, and environmental variables, including tree cover, on sale price of single-family homes in Perth using a generalized spatial two-stage least-squares model. The spatial model results indicate that, among other structural and neighbourhood variables, the proportion of tree cover on street verges (public space) and the extent and proximity of neighbourhood parks attract significant price premiums in the Perth housing market. However, we failed to find any evidence of impact of the tree cover on property (private space) on its sale price. Further, we find that the parameter...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Contracts for Grain Biosecurity and Grain Quality AgEcon
Abougamos, Hoda; White, Benedict; Sadler, Rohan.
The export of grain from Western Australia depends upon a grain supply network that takes grain from farm to port through Cooperative Bulk Handling receival and storage sites. The ability of the network to deliver pest free grain to the port and onto ship depends upon the quality of grain delivered by farmers and the efficacy of phosphine based fumigation in controlling stored grain pests. Phosphine fumigation is critical to the grain supply network because it is the cheapest effective fumigant. In addition, it is also residue free. Unfortunately, over time, common stored-grain pests have evolved to develop resistance to phosphine and there is a risk that phosphine will become less effective and may need to be replaced with more expensive alternative...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Principal-agent model; Supply contracts; Moral hazard; Stored grain; Biosecurity; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Surveillance in Fruit Flies Free Areas: An Economic Analysis AgEcon
Florec, Veronique; Sadler, Rohan; White, Benedict.
Increasing pressure to reduce the use of pre and post-harvest treatment chemicals to control insect pests has led to calls for alternative control methods. As a result, the implementation of area-wide management of pests could be developed as either an alternative to chemicals or as a means of reducing pesticide use. However, maintaining an area-wide management programme can be expensive as it requires the execution of surveillance activities, exclusion measures and contingency plans for a rapid eradication response in the case of a pest outbreak. A sound benefit-cost analysis is an essential starting point to measure gains from research and development into improved methods of surveillance and exclusion. This paper presents a study of the costs of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Surveillance measures; Queensland Fruit Fly; Area-Wide Management of Pests; Pest-free area; Invasive species; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q1; Q17; Q18.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Area-Wide Management of Fruit-Flies: What are the Costs and the Benefits? AgEcon
Florec, Veronique; Sadler, Rohan; White, Benedict.
Increasing volumes and speed of agricultural trade and the opening of new markets for agricultural products create greater challenges to systems established to protect countries from invasive organisms that can be harmful to human and animal health, crops and natural environments. In reaction to the threat of exotic pests and diseases, the World Trade Organization recognises the right of country members to protect themselves from the risks posed by exotic pests and diseases through the application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures. One possible response from exporting countries facing SPS trade barriers is to obtain pest-free area (PFA) certification. While large benefits can potentially be achieved from greater access to world markets through...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Eradication; Surveillance; Queensland Fruit Fly; Area-Wide Management of Pests; Pestfree area; Invasive species; Biosecurity; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade; Q1; Q17; Q18.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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