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L'aquaculture du Macrobrachium rosenbergii aux Antilles Francaises ArchiMer
Lacroix, Denis.
The aquaculture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii is launched in Martinigue by the regional council in 1976. A first "green water" type hatchery is built and provides juveniles to the first ponds. In 1978, CNEXO is asked to cooperate in scientific assistance. A new hatchery is built with COP "clear water" system and produces in 1980. The development of ponds (20 ha) needs the increase of the hatcheries capacity, which is now done with one single method and intensive larval first stage (7-8 millions PL. cap). In Guadeloupe, the first ponds started in 1978. Two cooperatives and 11 ha of ponds at this time have determined the construction of CNEXO in the construction of a regional hatchery. A small light one is already under production since July 83.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Macrobrachium rosenbergii; Malacostraca; Growth; Hatcheries; Aquaculture systems; Aquaculture development; Guadeloupe; Production Martinique; Grossissement; Écloserie; Macrobrachium.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Evaluation de la capacité regénèratrice de l’algue rouge "Gracilaria verrucosa" (hudson) papenfuss du lac de bizerte (tunisie septentrionale) OceanDocs
Ksouri, J.; Mensi, F.; Salhi-Hamza, K..
Afin d’évaluer le potentiel de régénération de Gracilaria verrucosa du lac de Bizerte, une culture expérimentale, in situ sur cordes tendues sur le substrat, a été mise en place à partir de boutures de 200 g. Au terme de quatre mois de culture, de février à mai 2003, les cordes ont été soumises à une, deux, trois ou quatre coupes. L’analyse statistique montre que la meilleure situation est représentée par les touffes qui n’ont subi qu’une seule coupe à la fin du mois de mai; dans ce cas, ces touffes ont un poids final de 1771,4 g et un taux de croissance spécifique de 1,8.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Aquaculture systems; Cutting; Experimental culture; Regeneration; Seaweed culture; Gracilaria verrucosa; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Cultivos de moluscos bivalvos OceanDocs
Pascual, M.S.; Zampatti, E.A..
Bivalve culture in Argentina is beginning to develop commercially. Research was carried out at the North Patagonian gulfs (San Matias, San Jose and Nuevo)and focused three native species: the tehuelche scallop Aequipecten tehuelchus, the puelche oyster Ostrea puelchana and the common mussel Mytilus edulis platensis. Results achieved on each of these three species were different. In the case of scallops, the development of commercial aquaculture did not seem promising for many years due to the fact that production was sustained by natural populations: the dredge fishery of the San Matias Gulf and the diving fishery of the San Jose Gulf. Preliminary culture experiments dealt with larval fixation on artificial collectors and growth to commercial size on...
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Aquaculture economics; Aquaculture development; Aquaculture systems; Hatcheries; Seed collection; Clam culture; Oyster culture; Scallop culture; Mussel culture; Hatcheries; Seed collection; Oyster culture; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Amélioration de la production d'Artemia dans les salines tunisiennes par fertilisation minérale : détermination de la dose optimale d'emploi. OceanDocs
Hussenot, J.; Aloui, N.; El Abed, A..
In order to test the fertilization effect on Artemia production, six treatments of a mineral fertilization with di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) and urea (0.25*F; 0.5*F; 0.75*F; 1*F; 1.5*F; 2*F with F = 15 mg/L of DAP and 15 mg/L of urea) were compared to a control unfertilized. After the initial fertilization (day 0), a half a dose was brought once a week. At day 8, Artemia nauplii were inoculated in all tanks at the rate of 50 nauplii per liter. Physico-chemical and biological parameters of the culture were analysed each week, during the 48 days of experiment. The results showed that the optimal dose is 0.75*F; it gaves the maximal phytoplanctonic biomass expressed by chlorophyll-a has and it allowed to obtain a maximal production of Artemia (cysts and...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Salts; Brine shrimp culture; Minerals; Aquaculture systems; Artemia culture; Aquaculture; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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l'Aquaculture (pisciculture et crevetticulture) dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal: potentialité et perspective OceanDocs
Diallo, A.; Diouf, P.S.; Ngom, M.; Ndiaye, V..
l'Aquacuulture dans sa composante pisciculture à fait l'objet de plusieurs expérimentations dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal par le biais de projet de production ce dernier n'a pas donné de résultats escomptés. L'Aménagement de la vallée à induit des disponibilités en terre et eau qui offre à l'aquaculture les possibilités d'un developpement durable notamment la pisciculture et crevetticulture.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Aquaculture development; Aquaculture statistics; Freshwater aquaculture; Aquaculture systems; Marine aquaculture; Small scale aquaculture; Aquaculture; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Culture en conditions optimisées de la macroalgue rouge <Gracilaria gracilis> (stackhouse) steentofr et al. dans le lac de Bizerte OceanDocs
Ksouri, J.; Challougui, I.; Mensi, F..
La culture de Gracilaria a été réalisée selon le mode de bouturage dans la partie Nord-Est du lac de Bizerte du 15 Avril au 31 Mai 2006 afin de déterminer l'effet des conditions initiales optimisées sur le rendement final. Ces conditions initiales, sont caractérisées par une culture sur le fond (sur cordes tendues), un poids initial des touffes de 200 g, une distance entre les rangées de culture de 50 cm et un écartement entre les touffes de 30 cm; de ce fait, la densité initiale est de 1,4 kg/m². Au terme de 46 jours de culture, nous avons enregistré un accroissement du poids de 200 g à 1280 g engendrant un taux de croissance spécifique de 4,03 %/j et une densité finale de 9,1kg/m² (soit 91t poids frais/ha).
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Algal culture; Aquaculture systems; Aquaculture techniques; Density; Growth rate; Off-bottom culture; Seaweed culture; Aquaculture techniques; Seaweed culture; Algal culture; Density; Growth rate; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Live-food mediated drug delivery as a tool for disease treatment in larviculture: the enrichment of therapeutics in rotifers and <i>Artemia</i> nauplii OMA
Verpraet, R.; Chair, M.; Léger, P.; Nelis, H.; Sorgeloos, P.; De Leenheer, A.P..
The live food enrichment technique using emulsions for nutritional deficiencies in rotifers and <i>Artemia</i> was further investigated as a tool for transferring therapeutics through the food chain. <i>Artemia</i> nauplii and the rotifer <i>Brachionus plicatilis</i> were enriched with a self-emulsifying concentrate in which the therapeutic mixture trimetoprim: sulfamethoxazole was incorporated. An analytical method and protocol for the quantification of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in a heterogeneous biological matrix, such as <i>Artemia</i> , was developed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. When applying a 24h enrichment period, the accumulation of both drugs in <i>Artemia</i>...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquaculture systems; Disease control; Drugs; Food chains; Therapy; Artemia.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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High-density production of the rotifer <i>Brachionus plicatilis</i> in a recirculation system: consideration of water quality, zootechnical and nutritional aspects OMA
Suantika, G.; Dhert, Ph.; Nurhudah, M.; Sorgeloos, P..
Rotifers were reared on the artificial diet culture Selco® in batch and recirculation conditions at different water exchange rates. The different rearing conditions resulted in considerable changes in water quality, which in their turn affected rotifer growth and food consumption. At a daily water exchange rate of 100%, no positive effect was obtained in rotifer growth compared to the batch rearing system, but the rotifer culture period could be prolonged by 1 week. By increasing the daily water exchange rate from 100 to 300% the maximum rotifer density could be significantly (<i>P</i> < 0.05) increased from 1800 to 2500 individuals ml<sup>-1</sup>. At the highest recirculation rate (daily water exchange of 500%) the highest...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquaculture systems; Batch culture; Population density; Recirculating systems; Water quality; Zooplankton culture; Brachionus plicatilis; Rotifera.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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New developments in the high density flow-through culturing of brine shrimp <i>Artemia</i> OMA
Lavens, P.; Baert, P.; De Meulemeester, A.; Van Ballaer, E.; Sorgeloos, P..
A closed culture system for the high density culturing of <i>Artemia spp.</i> in 300-liter tanks using a new formula of artificial seawater and micronized waste products from agricultural crops as food is described. Culture conditions are greatly improved by applying a new filter technique and an electronic transparency meter which controls food distributions automatically. A total volume of 6,000 liters of culture water recirculated over a rotating biological contactor, a cross-flow sieve and a plate separator at a flow rate of 3000 liters per hour.Production yields obtained with this culture system, when extrapolated to a 1 m³ tank, indicate that 50 g of brine shrimp cysts can be converted into 20 kg of fresh (wet dry) pre-adult...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquaculture systems; Brine shrimp culture; Recirculating systems; Artemia.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Aquaculture for African smallholders AgEcon
Brummett, Randall E.; Noble, R..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Small scale aquaculture; Integrated farming; Aquaculture systems; Appropriate technology; Malawi; Agribusiness.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Aquaculture technology adoption in Kapasia Thana, Bangladesh: some preliminary results from farm record-keeping data AgEcon
Ahmed, Mahfuzuddin; Abdur Rab, M.; Bimbao, Mary Ann P..
A report on the adoption by target farmers of three aquaculture technologies in Kapasia Thana, Bangladesh. Preliminary results indicate that there were significant changes in fish production and resource use by farmer-cooperators from their previous practices.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Aquaculture systems; Technology transfer; Small scale aquaculture; Farm Management.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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