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Astylus variegatus (Coleoptera, Melyridae): Cytogenetic study of a population exposed to agrochemical products Genet. Mol. Biol.
Schneider,Marielle Cristina; Carraro,Bianca Pierina; Cella,Doralice Maria; Matiello,Rodrigo Rodrigues; Artoni,Roberto Ferreira; Almeida,Mara Cristina.
In this work we describe the cytogenetic analyses performed in specimens of Astylus variegatus (Germar, 1824) collected in two localities: one area of natural vegetation and one of agricultural crops, where agrochemical products were used. Astylus variegatus had karyotypes with 2n(male) = 16+Xy p and 2n (female) = 16+XXp, with exclusively metacentric chromosomes. Pachytene spermatocytes showed synapsed autosomal bivalents and non-associated sex chromosomes. In diplotene, the autosomal bivalents exhibited one or two terminal chiasmata and the Xy p had a typical parachute configuration. In meiotic cells of some specimens, an extra chromosome, interpreted as a B chromosome, was observed. C-banding showed constitutive heterochromatin in the pericentromeric...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: B chromosome; Constitutive heterochromatin; Karyotype; Meiosis; Ag-NORs.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Cytogenetic characterization of Partamona cupira (Hymenoptera, Apidae) by fluorochromes Genet. Mol. Biol.
Marthe,Jefferson de Brito; Pompolo,Silvia das Graças; Campos,Lucio Antônio de Oliveira; Salomão,Tânia Maria Fernandes; Tavares,Mara Garcia.
Four colonies of the stingless bee Partamona cupira (Hymenoptera: Apidae) were cytogenetically analyzed using conventional staining and the fluorochromes CMA3 e DAPI. The females have 2n = 34 chromosomes (2K=32<img border=0 src="../../../../../../../img/revistas/gmb/2010nahead/ah06a04CarM.gif" align=absmiddle>+2<img border=0 src="../../../../../../../img/revistas/gmb/2010nahead/ah06a04CarA.gif" align=absmiddle>). Some females, however, presented an additional large B acrocentric chromosome, to a total of 2n = 35. Chromosome B and the chromosomal pairs 2, 9 and 10 showed CMA3+ bands, indicating an excess of CG base-pairs. A clear association was verified between the P. helleri B chromosome SCAR marker and the presence of a B chromosome in P....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: B chromosome; SCAR; Stingless bees.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Supernumerary chromosomes in the pufferfish Sphoeroides spengleri: first occurrence in marine Teleostean Tetraodontiformes fish Genet. Mol. Biol.
Alves,Anderson Luis; Porto-Foresti,Fábio; Oliveira,Claudio; Foresti,Fausto.
Cytogenetic analyses carried out in eight specimens of Sphoeroides spengleri revealed the presence of 2n = 46 chromosomes (20 M/SM and 26 ST/A). Besides the standard karyotypical set, the presence of B microchromosomes was observed in two individuals, ranging from 0 to 2 microchromosomes per cell. A karyotype composed by 2n = 46 chromosomes with occurrence of M and SM chromosomes is considered basal for the species from the clade comprising the families Tetraodontidae, Balistidae, and Diodontidae, although it represents a derived condition for the order Tetraodontiformes, whose basal karyotype would be composed by 2n = 48 acrocentric chromosomes. The occurrence of B microchromosomes in marine Tetraodontiformes fish was not known, and this represents the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: B chromosome; Pufferfish; Sphoeroides spengleri.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Contributions to the systematic of Pimelodidae (Osteichthyes, Siluriformes): basic and molecular cytogenetics on seven species of Pimelodus from three Brazilian hydrographic systems Neotropical Ichthyology
Girardi,Simone C.; Pavanelli,Carla S.; Margarido,Vladimir P..
ABSTRACT Pimelodidae harbors several species and is widely distributed throughout the Neotropical region. Pimelodus is the genus with the largest number of species, however it is a polyphyletic group. Cytogenetic analyzes of the valid species still covers less than half of them. Herein, seven Pimelodus species from three Brazilian hydrographic systems were analyzed through basic (Giemsa, AgNORs and C banding) and molecular (5S and 18S rDNA-FISH) cytogenetic methods. All species had 2n=56 chromosomes with different karyotype formulas observed among the species. AgNORs were corresponding to 18S rDNA and localized on long arm of one chromosome pair in all species. Heterochromatin distribution follows the pattern commonly verified in the family and allows to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: 5S rDNA; 18S rDNA; B chromosome; Calophysus-Pimelodus clade; Citotaxonomy.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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