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Experimental and natural cathodoluminescence in the shell of Crassostrea gigas from Thau lagoon (France): ecological and environmental implications ArchiMer
Langlet, D; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Rafelis, M; Renard, M; Roux, M; Schein, E; Buestel, Dominique.
We present a cathodoluminescence (CL) study of growth layer deposition in the shell of the oyster Crassostrea gigas. CL is based on the physical properties of lattice-bound manganese (Mn2+), which is the main activator in calcium carbonate. Our study involved chemical marking by immersing individuals in seawater to which manganese chloride had been added, and subsequent reading of the shell with CL microscopy coupled with numeric treatment of microphotographs; CL emission was analyzed using a scanning electron microscope coupled to a spectrometer. Since the marking did not harm the oysters, repeated markings were possible, allowing validation of the inferences made from analysis of the shell rings. Oysters reared in a French Mediterranean lagoon (Thau...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean lagoon; Manganese marking; Carbonate biomineraliation; Shell growth; Cathodoluminescence; Oyster.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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A latitudinal gradient of seasonal temperature variation recorded in oyster shells from the coastal waters of France and The Netherlands ArchiMer
Lartaud, Franck; Emmanuel, Laurent; De Rafelis, Marc; Ropert, Michel; Labourdette, Nathalie; Richardson, Christopher A.; Renard, Maurice.
Cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy of the foliated calcite shell hinge sections of live-collected oyster Crassostrea gigas collected at seven locations along a latitudinal gradient from the Netherlands in the North Sea to the Atlantic coast of France, revealed variations in luminescence that were attributable to seasonal variations in calcification of the hinge. Photomicrographs of hinge sections and luminescence profiles were analyzed to define a micro-sampling strategy that was adopted to drill the hinge samples to determine their isotopic composition. Reconstructed seasonal seawater temperatures determined from the stable oxygen isotope (delta O-18) composition along growth profiles from 32 oyster shell hinges showed distinct seasonal isotopic cycles...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seasonality; Palaeotemperatures; Stable isotopes; Cathodoluminescence; Crassostrea gigas; Mollusk shells.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Mn labelling of living oysters: Artificial and natural cathodoluminescence analyses as a tool for age and growth rate determination of C. gigas (Thunberg, 1793) shells ArchiMer
Lartaud, Franck; De Rafelis, Marc; Ropert, Michel; Emmanuel, Laurent; Geairon, Philippe; Renard, Maurice.
We developed a growth model for Crassostrea gigas oyster shells based on the use of in situ temporal manganese markings to calibrate natural cathodoluminescence (CL) changes in the shell hinge sections. A 30 min to 4-h exposure period with Mn2+ (90-120 mg l(-1)) was sufficient to create a detectable mark in the shells. This makes the Mn2+ markings the fastest mollusc shells marking technique to date. The natural CL from juvenile and adult shells cultured in four standard shellfish-farming locations along the English Channel and French Atlantic coasts, exhibited a seasonal pattern (maximum CL intensity occurring during summer periods, minimum CL intensity occurring during winter). Hydrobiological data recorded at Baie des Veys site allows us to attribute...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oyster shells; Crassostrea gigas; Manganese markings; Cathodoluminescence; Seasonal growth patterns.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Croissance de la coque (Cerastoderma edule) en baie de Somme : Morphométrie et Marquage ArchiMer
Bellamy, Elise; Lefebvre, Alain; Mahe, Kelig; De Rafelis, Marc.
The bay of Somme is the first French field of cockles (Cerastoderma edule) with a production amounting to 3000 tons per year on average. In order to improve the stock management, it is necessary to increase our knowledge of this species. This study is looking at the growth of the common cockle. First, was carried out a morphometric analysis of the two left and right valves, which has revealed a perfect symmetry of the shell and has allowed us to establish strong correlations among the morphometric parameters. Then, a chemical marking study has been realized with calcein and manganese in order to obtain the exact growth. Calcein marking has showed a fluorescent stria only for an half hour immersion time at 150 mg.L-1. Likewise, the manganese marking has...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coque; Cerastoderma edule; Croissance; Baie de Somme; Marquage; Calcéine; Manganèse; Fluorescence; Cathodoluminescence; Cockle; Cerastoderma edule; Growth; Bay of Somme; Marker; Calcein; Manganese; Fluorescence; Cathodoluminescence.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Calcein and manganese experiments for marking the shell of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule): tidal rhythm validation of increments formation ArchiMer
Mahe, Kelig; Bellamy, Elise; Lartaud, Franck; De Rafelis, Marc.
This work focuses on investigating the potential of calcein and manganese as growth markers of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) in the bay of Somme (France). Recapture of shells, previously marked using a chemical marking and then bred in natural conditions, was performed in order to determine the shell growth patterns. Calcein marking has shown a fluorescent increment in shells after only 30 min immersion time at 150 mg L-1, but also for shells immersed 3 h at 50 mg L-1. Likewise, manganese shell marking was revealed under cathodoluminescence for shells immersed 1 h at 120 mg L-1 as well as for shells which spent 4 h at 90 mg L-1. A numerical analysis performed on each marked cockles has revealed 23 micro-increments between the mark and the ventral...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calcein; Manganese; Marking; Cathodoluminescence; Shellfish; Cerastoderma edule.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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