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First report of modern pollen deposition in moss polsters in a semiarid area of Bahia, Brazil Acta Botanica
Santos,Daiane Alves dos; Lima e Lima,Luciene Cristina; Santos,Francisco de Assis Ribeiro dos; Silva,Francisco Hilder Magalhães e.
Recent studies have shown that pollen analyses of natural substrates can produce data valuable for understanding the local pollen productivity and dispersal, deposition, and preservation potential of pollen grains. In this study, we aimed to acquire novel information about the dynamics and preservation of pollen in Caatinga environment through the palynological study of moss polsters. Samples of moss polsters in soil (MPS) and on rock (MPR) were collected from the Canudos Biological Station in the Bahia State (Brazil) and subjected to standard chemical treatments for the extraction of pollen residues. In total, 372 pollen types were recorded from the samples of which the taxonomical affinity of 140 was determined. The most represented families were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brazilian NE; Moss; Natural pollen trap; Pollen rain; Semiarid.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Diversity of bryophytes in priority areas for conservation in the Atlantic forest of northeast Brazil Acta Botanica
Silva,Mércia Patrícia Pereira; Pôrto,Kátia Cavalcanti.
The northeastern Brazilian Atlantic forest is the region with the greatest diversity of bryophytes in the country. However, knowledge about bryophytes is irregularly distributed among Brazilian regions. Therefore, we aimed to contribute to knowledge about bryophytes on a regional scale in the northeastern Atlantic forest, to identify the centers of bryophyte diversity in that region, and to reiterate the importance and identify locations for which new protected areas should be created. We built a database of bryophytes in 23 locations of the region, based on a literature review and new floristic inventories. To identify the locations of greatest relevance to bryophyte conservation, we considered 1) total and endemic species richness, 2) phylogenetic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conservation units; Liverwort; Moss; Richness; Tropical forest.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Estimation of antioxidant, antimicrobial activity and brine shrimp toxicity of plants collected from Oymyakon region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia Biol. Res.
Paudel,Babita; Bhattarai,Hari Datta; Chan Kim,Il; Lee,Hyoungseok; Sofronov,Roman; Ivanova,Lena; Poryadina,Lena; Yim,Joung Han.
BACKGROUND: Several plants are reported to be produced various biological active compounds. Lichens from the extreme environments such as high altitude, high UV, drought and cold are believed to be synthesized unique types of secondary metabolites than the other one. Several human pathogenic bacteria and fungi have been muted into drug resistant strains. Various synthetic antioxidant compounds have posed carcinogenic effects. This phenomenon needs further research for new effective drugs of natural origin. This manuscript aimed to screen new source of biological active compounds from plants of subarctic origin. RESULTS: A total of 114 plant species, including 80 species of higher plants, 19 species of lichens and 15 species of mosses, were collected from...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Antimicrobial; Antioxidant; Brine shrimp; DPPH; Lichen; Moss.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The moss flora of Ostrov Geologov (Geologists Island), Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antarctica Boletín de la Sociedad
Câmara,Paulo E.A.S; Guedes Costa Silva,Barbara; Carvalho-Silva,Micheline; Knop Henriques,Diego.
Located of the east coast of Fildes Peninsula, South of Ardley Island, at King George Island, Ostrov Geologov (Geologist Islands) is a small island with 0.25 miles long. It only had one plant record published so far. We have conducted extensive fieldwork on the site and provide here a comprehensive checklist and a key for the moss species occurring on the island. Despite its small size, theislandcontains about 35% of all theFildes Peninsula moss flora, six new records were found. The pristine state of the island due to its relative isolation, presence of avian nesting sites and a relatively rich moss flora are strong arguments in favor of protection status for the island.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antarctica; Bryophyta; Fildes Peninsula; Moss.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A primary assessment of the endophytic bacterial community in a xerophilous moss (Grimmia montana) using molecular method and cultivated isolates BJM
Liu,Xiao Lei; Liu,Su Lin; Liu,Min; Kong,Bi He; Liu,Lei; Li,Yan Hong.
Investigating the endophytic bacterial community in special moss species is fundamental to understanding the microbial-plant interactions and discovering the bacteria with stresses tolerance. Thus, the community structure of endophytic bacteria in the xerophilous moss Grimmia montana were estimated using a 16S rDNA library and traditional cultivation methods. In total, 212 sequences derived from the 16S rDNA library were used to assess the bacterial diversity. Sequence alignment showed that the endophytes were assigned to 54 genera in 4 phyla (Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Cytophaga/Flexibacter/Bacteroids). Of them, the dominant phyla were Proteobacteria (45.9%) and Firmicutes (27.6%), the most abundant genera included Acinetobacter,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Bacterial diversity; Endophytes; Moss; Molecular method; Cultivated isolates.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Preliminary substrate mixtures including peat moss (Sphagnum magellanicum) for vegetable crop nurseries Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Oberpaur,Christel; Puebla,Víctor; Vaccarezza,Flavia; Arévalo,María E.
Nursery producers grow plants in containers, mainly using substrates based on peat. In order to replace the use of peat, diverse mixtures of substrates combining different proportions of the moss Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. (40, 50 and 60%) and alternative organic materials, such as compost, humus and composted pine bark, were tested. In the frst trial under laboratory conditions, conducted in October 2006, the physicochemical characteristics of nine initial mixtures, including a control, were determined. Five mixtures, with similar physicochemical conditions as the control, and a commercial peat mixture, were selected by the application of Euclidean minimum distances. The fnally selected mixtures were three combinations of moss with composted pine bark...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Compost; Composted pine bark; Humus; Lactuca sativa; Lettuce; Moss; Sphagnum.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Crecimiento de Pinus montezumae Lamb. influenciado por el sustrato y la fertilización en vivero. Colegio de Postgraduados
Hernández Zarate, Lisbeth.
El aserrín y la corteza de pino, subproductos de la industria forestal, pueden ser usados como sustrato y sustituir a la turba en la producción de planta en viveros. Se evaluó el crecimiento de plántulas de Pinus montezumae Lamb. producidas en contenedor en mezclas de sustratos compuestas con corteza de pino y aserrín que formaron nueve mezclas y un tratamiento testigo (60% turba + 20% perlita + 20% vermiculita), a las que se le determinaron características físicas y químicas. El pH osciló entre 4.2 a 6.3 en los distintos tratamientos, la conductividad eléctrica de 0.25 a 3.98 dSm-1, la porosidad total de 69 a 81%, la porosidad de aireación de 26 a 34%, la porosidad de retención de humedad de 36 a 52% y la densidad aparente varió de 0.17 a 0.32 En...
Palavras-chave: Forestal; Maestría; Pinus montezumae; Sawdus; Bark; Peat; Moss; Nursery; Aserrín; Corteza; Fertilización; Vivero.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Original specimens kept in the herbarium of Naturalis Biodiversity Center (section Nationaal Herbarium Nederland) of Asian and South American moss taxa published by F. Dozy, J.H. Molkenboer, R.B. van den Bosch and C.M. van der Sande Lacoste Naturalis
Tipo: Book (monograph) Palavras-chave: Moss; Indonesia; Japan; Surinam; New species; F. Dozy; J.H. Molkenboer; R.B. van den Bosch; C.M. van der Sande Lacoste; 42.52.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Early knowledge of Antarctica's vegetation: Expanding past and current evidence RChHN
To commemorate one hundred years of Roald Amundsen's reaching the South Pole, we provide a summary of early explorations to Antarctica, in which botanists played an almost anonymous role. Based on multiple observations of vegetation they found and recorded, we review the knowledge available at the end of the nineteenth century to compare with contemporary scientific beliefs; connecting them with observations we have collected in field-work. Using the aerial photography from the end of the 1950s of sites we visited, it is noted that opportunities are arising for the understanding of colonization phenomena in areas where ice is retreating. Accounts of research on colonization of new ice-free areas are analyzed as well as how molecular genetics attempts to...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Amundsen; Ice-free areas; Moss; Niche conservation; Sanionia uncinata.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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