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From Pasture Land to Farm Plots, Triggers and Motivations for Land Use Changes in Afar, Ethiopia AgEcon
Kotu, Bekele Hundie.
Communal land use system has existed in pastoral Afar (as in many other pastoral areas) since time of immemorial accommodating the interests of different user groups. This form of land use system, which has adapted to the harsh environment in which herders raise their livestock, enables efficient utilization of scattered pastoral resources since it accommodates constant mobility of livestock. In contrast to the mobile way of life, which characterizes pastoralism, farming as a sedentary activity is only marginally present in the lowlands of the Afar region. However, the traditional land-use system in Afar is changing nowadays if favor farming because of various reasons. This paper explains such changes mainly based the data collected through a household...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land use; Pastoralists; Farming; Drought; Afar; Ethiopia; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Security and Poverty; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Land Economics/Use; Risk and Uncertainty; Q15; Q24.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Modelling the value of a multifunctional landscape – A discrete choice experiment AgEcon
Borresch, Rene; Maas, Sarah; Schmitz, Kim; Schmitz, P. Michael.
In the context of today’s intensive discussion of landscape multifunctionality, one primary objective of the current European Union policy is to support the implementation of multifunctionaly within the EU. In order to assess the economical feasibility of the implementation of a multifunctional land use in the Wetterau region in Germany this study addresses the question whether the local population, which is above all affected by the degradation of landscapes, benefits from a change from today’s landscape dominated by intensive agricultural production towards a multifunctional landscape. Based on data obtained by discrete choice experiments in the Wetterau region, a cost-benefit-analysis is carried out using the modelling and assessment framework CHOICE....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Landscape multifunctionality; CHOICE; Discrete choice experiments; Willingness-to-Pay; Cost-benefit-analysis; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q24; Q51; Q57.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Basing Superfund Cleanups on Future Land Uses: Promising Remedy or Dubious Nostrum? AgEcon
Wernstedt, Kris; Hersh, Robert; Probst, Katherine N..
Supporters of the effort to link cleanups at hazardous waste sites to the sites' expected land uses claim that amending language in the federal Superfund statute to allow this may yield a number of benefits. These include rationalizing the cleanup process and decreasing cleanup costs, promoting economic development in the local communities that host Superfund sites, and helping such communities exercise more control over the cleanups. However, interviews with Superfund stakeholders and a detailed case study call into question these arguments. The current role of land use in cleanup, uncertainties about whether economic development is likely at the bulk of Superfund sites, the long-run viability of institutional controls, the willingness of communities to...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Land use; Economic development; Superfund; Land Economics/Use; Q24; Q28; R52.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Expanding the National Flood Insurance Program to Cover Coastal Erosion Damage AgEcon
Keeler, Andrew G.; Kriesel, Warren; Landry, Craig E..
This paper uses the results of a nationwide survey of coastal property owners to estimate the demand for insurance against erosion damage. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) does not technically cover such damage, although in practice there is considerable uncertainty about this point. The ability to insure against such losses has implications for the choice of beach management strategies and for NFIP management. We find significant demand for insurance at prices in the range of current flood insurance premiums, although median willingness to pay appears to be less than cost of providing such insurance.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Coastal erosion; Insurance; Risk; Q24; G22; H41.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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El índice CONEAT como medida de productividad y valor de la tierra. AgEcon
Lanfranco, Bruno A.; Sapriza, Gonzalo.
El objetivo de la presente investigación es cuantificar el impacto del índice de productividad CONEAT sobre los precios pagados por los inmuebles rurales en el Uruguay. El índice CONEAT intenta expresar la relación entre la capacidad de producción de un predio, medida en términos de carne y lana, y las unidades de suelo que lo componen. La ventaja de su uso radica en su fácil comprensión por parte de los agentes. La principal crítica es que utiliza exclusivamente parámetros de producción ganadera que hacen cuestionable su uso cuando se comparan inmuebles con otras aptitudes productivas. Sin embargo, aun se lo utiliza frecuentemente para tasar inmuebles rurales o comparar productividad entre inmuebles. Para estimar el valor monetario implícito que los...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Hedonic prices; Product differentiation; Land productivity; Demand and Price Analysis; Land Economics/Use; C21; Q24.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Present Value Model, Farmland Prices and Structural Breaks AgEcon
Gutierrez, Luciano; Erickson, Kenneth W.; Westerlund, Joakim.
We review the constant discount rate present value model of farmland prices using non-stationary panel data analysis. We use panel unit root and cointegration analysis to test if the present value model holds for a sample of 31 U.S. States covering the period 1960-2000. Preliminary results indicate that farmland prices and cash rents are non-stationary and non-cointegrated assuming a constant discount rate. The absence of cointegration may be due to the presence of a regime shift representing a time-varying discount rate. To accommodate this possibility, we introduce new panel cointegration tests that allow for unknown regime shifts in the cointegration relationship. The results suggest that the cointegration hypothesis cannot be rejected if there is a...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farmland prices; Present value model; Non-stationary panel data analysis; Regime shift; Q24; Land Economics/Use; C22; C23; G12.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Brownfields Redevelopment in Wisconsin: Program, Citywide, and Site-Level Studies AgEcon
Wernstedt, Kris; Hersh, Robert.
In this paper, the second installment of our three-part study on the development of brownfields policy in the state of Wisconsin, we use case studies to explore the implementation of the policy at three scales: 1) two statewide initiatives, the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption process and the Sustainable Urban Development Zone program; 2) the efforts of two Wisconsin cities, West Allis and Wausau, to promote brownfields redevelopment across their neighborhoods; and 3) project-specific uses of institutional, regulatory, and financial innovations to encourage the revitalization of specific areas. Throughout the paper, we focus on the role of economic incentives, regulatory flexibility, regulatory structure, and the behavioral culture of brownfields...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Brownfields; Contamination; Hazardous waste; Regulatory reform; Wisconsin; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q24; Q28.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The Value of Disappearing Beaches: A hedonic pricing model with endogenous beach width AgEcon
Gopalakrishnan, Sathya; Smith, Martin D.; Slott, Jordan M.; Murray, A. Brad.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Beach nourishment; Beach width; Erosion; Hedonic; Non-market valuation; Morpho-economics; Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q24; Q51; Q54.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Land Degradation in Ethiopia: What do Stoves Have to Do with it? AgEcon
Gebreegziabher, Zenebe; van Kooten, G. Cornelis; van Soest, Daan P..
Land degradation is a particularly vexing problem in developing countries; as forests are depleted, crop residues and dung are used for fuel, which degrades cropland. In Ethiopia, the government encourages tree planting and adoption of energy efficient stove technologies to mitigate land degradation. We use data from 200 households in Tigrai, Ethiopia to examine the adoption of new stove technologies. Adoption is an economic decision, related to savings in time spent collecting fuel and cooking, and cattle required for everyday purposes. Results indicate adopters of efficient stoves reduce respective wood and dung use by 68 and 316 kg per month.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Land degradation; Technology adoption; Africa; Ethiopia; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; O55; Q24; Q55.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Optimizing Farmland Preservation Choices Across Communities and Jurisdictional Scales: To What Extent are Amenity Values and Selection Criteria Transferable? AgEcon
Johnston, Robert J.; Duke, Joshua M.; Kukielka, Jessica B..
This paper assesses the potential for function based benefit transfer to inform farmland preservation policy, with emphasis on distinctions between welfare estimation and policy prioritization. Data are drawn from a parallel choice experiments implemented in six communities and statewide in Connecticut. The analysis provides a range of empirical results of potential significance for policy, but two findings are of particular relevance. First, results suggest that transfer errors in WTP for farmland preservation are comparable to those found in other policy contexts, even across similar sites. Results also suggest, however, that welfare based policy rankings are strongly correlated across sites, even when dollar denominated transfer errors are substantial....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q24; Q51.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Adopción y difusión de prácticas de no laboreo en el olivar de la provincia de Granada AgEcon
Franco, Juan Agustin; Calatrava-Leyva, Javier.
En este trabajo se analiza el proceso de adopción del no laboreo en el olivar de la provincia de Granada utilizando información procedente de un sondeo realizado en 2005-2006 a 215 olivicultores. Se analiza en primer lugar el proceso de difusión agregada de las prácticas de no laboreo realizadas en la zona mediante la estimación de varios modelos de difusión temporal. A continuación se identifican, mediante la estimación de dos modelos probit, algunos factores que influyen en la adopción de dichas prácticas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran cómo las prácticas de no laboreo son realizadas por el 90% de los agricultores. Su difusión ha sido intensa desde mediados de los noventa, predominando el efecto imitación, basado en la interacción entre los...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Erosión; No laboreo; Olivar; Adopción de tecnologías; Difusión de tecnologías.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q12; Q24; C50..
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Wilderness and Primitive Area Recreation Participation and Consumption: An Examination of Demographic and Spatial Factors AgEcon
Bowker, James Michael; Murphy, D.; Cordell, H. Ken; English, Donald B.K.; Bergstrom, John C.; Starbuck, C. Meghan; Betz, Carter J.; Green, Gary T..
This paper explores the influence of demographic and spatial variables on individual participation and consumption of wildland area recreation. Data from the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment are combined with geographical information system-based distance measures to develop nonlinear regression models used to predict both participation and the number of days of participation in wilderness and primitive area recreation. The estimated models corroborate previous findings indicating that race (black), ethnicity (Hispanic), immigrant status, age, and urban dwelling are negatively correlated with wildland visitation, while income, gender (male), and education positively affect wildland recreation participation and use. The presence of a...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Logistic; Negative binomial; Participation; Recreation; Visits; Wilderness; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; Q21; Q26; Q24.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Economics and Biodiversity in Intensively Managed Agro-Ecosystems AgEcon
Russell, Noel P.; Pascual, Unai; Omer, Amani A..
This paper explores the dynamic effects of biodiversity conservation on agricultural production in the context of specialised intensive farming systems. The focus is on the analysis of the dynamic effects of changes in the levels of agrobiodiversity, on technical change and productivity in intensive agricultural systems. A theoretical model is used to derive hypotheses regarding these linkages that are empirically tested using a stochastic production frontier model with data from a panel of UK cereal farms for the period 1989-2000. The results suggest that the increased agrobiodiversity has positively helped to shift the production frontier outwards. This indicates that the evolution of an intensive agricultural system to less intensive use of inputs can...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agrobiodiversity; Intensive Agriculture; Productivity; Technical change; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q12; Q16; Q24.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Rule of The Jungle in Pakistan: A Case Study on Corruption and Forest Management in Swat AgEcon
Pellegrini, Lorenzo.
Corruption in the forest sector of Swat, Pakistan is impairing the sustainable management of forest. We analyze corruption in a case study setting against the backdrop of the reform options that are most often cited as possible solutions. As we highlight in this study, the ‘crime and punishment’ approach is not feasibly implemented if the overall institutional environment is weak. Since countrywide overhaul of corruption through sweeping reform programs, the other reform approach, is a difficult and lengthy task, there is a need for an alternative kind of reform. In the case of a corruption-ridden centralised forest management regime, institutional reform should move away from enforcement of existing institutions and promote communal management of natural...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Corruption; Forest management; Environmental policy; Institutional reform; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; D73; Q24; Q57.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Optimal Soil Management and Environmental Policy AgEcon
Oueslati, Walid.
This paper studies the effects of environmental policy on the farmer’s soil optimal management. We consider a dynamic economic model of soil erosion where the intensity use of inputs allows the farmer to control soil losses. Therefore, inputs use induces a pollution which is accentuated by the soil fragility. We show, at the steady state, that environmental tax induces a more conservative farmer behavior for soil, but in some cases it can exacerbates pollution. These effects can be moderated when farmer introduces abatement activity.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Soil erosion; Pollution; Environmental policy; Optimal soil conservation; Abatement activities; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q12; Q24; Q28; Q52; H23.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Modelling Land Use in Rural New Zealand AgEcon
Olssen, Alex; Kerr, Suzi.
Regional Councils are primarily responsible for environmental management, as specified in the Resource Management Act (RMA), 1991. The Local Government Act 2002 has an integrative component, requiring consideration of social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of their communities. These two Acts are interesting, as their combination is shaping new governance structures within New Zealand. Different types of policy instruments are available to Regional Councils while carrying out their functions: regulatory, economic and voluntary. The 1990s are characterized by ‘first generation Plans’ of the RMA, which were highly rule focused. In the 2000s a marked shift occurred, mainstreaming ‘community’ and participative approaches to policy. This...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land use change; New Zealand; National; Time series; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics; Q15; Q24.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Brownfields Phenomenon: Much Ado about Something or the Timing of the Shrewd? AgEcon
Wernstedt, Kris; Heberle, Lauren; Alberini, Anna; Meyer, Peter.
This paper provides an overview of the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties known as "brownfields." It has three principal parts. First, we introduce the brownfields phenomenon and its drivers, drawing on the body of available empirical evidence to discuss characteristics of individual brownfield redevelopment projects. Second, we present findings from a recent study we have conducted that examines the relative attractiveness to private developers of public interventions to promote brownfields redevelopment. Third, we briefly summarize some of the problems with brownfields development and policy and propose an approach to promote wider societal benefits of brownfields development. We conclude with several broad questions about brownfields...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Brownfields; Contamination; Economic development; Infill; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q24; Q28.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Construction Minerals in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area: A Land Management Analysis AgEcon
Wernstedt, Kris; Cummings, Amy Mcabee.
The patchwork of government influences that shape the protection and management of construction mineral resources--sand, gravel, and crushed stone--includes statutes, regulations, guidance documents, and court decisions at the federal, state, and local level. Across the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area, both these influences and the experiences that the counties have had in managing construction mineral resources range widely. Our principal objective in this study is to discuss the mechanisms that counties use to manage such resources; the level and source of concern that local residents have with respect to construction mineral extraction operations; officials' perceptions about trends in the supply and demand for mineral resources; and the level of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Construction minerals; Aggregates; Land use planning; Baltimore-Washington; Land Economics/Use; Q24; Q38; R52.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Land-use Change and Solar Energy Production: A Real Option Approach AgEcon
Ardjan, Gazheli; Di Corato, Luca.
In this paper a real option model is developed to examine the critical factors affecting the decision to lease agricultural land to a company installing a PV power plant. The leasing payment is certain while the net revenues from agriculture are uncertain. We identify the profit values at which the farmer decides to lease his plot vs. continue farming it. By applying the model to the province of Bologna (Italy), we illustrate the possible land-use change scenarios in this area. We conclude by discussing the importance of PV energy production as a source of income for farmers and its implications from a social perspective.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Land Allocation; Real Options; Renewable Energy; Solar farm; Uncertainty; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C61; D81; Q24; Q42.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Brownfields Redevelopment in Wisconsin: A Survey of the Field AgEcon
Wernstedt, Kris; Crooks, Lisa; Hersh, Robert.
As the third paper in our three-part series on Wisconsin brownfields, this paper reports the results of a survey on the objectives of brownfields redevelopment, constraints to the redevelopment, the role of the state's Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and institutional controls. The 260 survey respondents include elected officials, staff from economic development and planning agencies, attorneys, private sector representatives, and professionals at nonprofit organizations. We find that: 1) respondents value both economic and environmental gains associated with brownfields redevelopment; 2) the high costs of cleanup are the principal barrier to brownfields redevelopment; 3) no single factor stands out as constraining DNR's ability to oversee cleanups;...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Brownfields; Contamination; Hazardous waste; Regulatory reform; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q24; Q28.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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