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Diet and trophic niche breadth of the neotropical cormorant [Nannopterum brasilianus (Gmelin, 1789)] in the Flora and Fauna Sanctuary Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribbean Colombia Boletín de Investigaciones
Tette-Pomarico,Aliano; López-Peña,Arístides; Franke-Ante,Rebeca; Duarte,Luis Orlando.
ABSTRACT The neotropical cormorant (Nannopterum brasilianus) is a piscivorous bird with colonial nesting. It is distributed from southern North America to Argentina. The largest colony of N. brasilianus in Colombia is located in the locality of Punta Blanca, in the Flora and Fauna Sanctuary Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (FFS CGSM), in the lagoon complex with same name (LC CGSM). The diet and niche width of N. brasilianus were analyzed from pellets collected on the western edge of the Punta Blanca nesting colony during the breeding season of 2017. Prey identification was based on mainly on the morphology of the fish otoliths found in these pellets (n = 64). There were eight fish species identified in the diet of N. brasilianus of which three are new records...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acuatic birds; Swamps; Coastal ecosystems; Phalacrocoracidae.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Preliminary Assessment of the Ecological Status of Godineau Swamp: Establishing a Socio-Economic Baseline OceanDocs
Clarke-Marshall, M.; Ghouralal, N..
Human activities adjacent to and within a wetland, influence its ecological status. An understanding of the social and economic conditions in the communities within and adjacent to the Godineau Swamp is fundamental to its sustainable use. The effective functioning of wetland resources is centered on the sustainable management of human activities and traditional uses. The Godineau Swamp is the second largest wetland system found on the Gulf of Paria of Trinidad. Traditionally the wetland has supported a fish and shellfish industry and provided land for agriculture livestock farming and housing. Oil exploration has taken place in the Godineau Swamp for the last fifty years and the Swamp continues to provide several opportunities for ecotourism.
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Ecology; Swamps; Baseline studies; Socioeconomic aspects; Ecology; Swamps; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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A River Story: Waters in the Godineau Swamp OceanDocs
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Swamps; Fish; Aquatic environment; Rivers; Wetlands; Swamps; Fish; Rivers; Wetlands; Aquatic environment; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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La végétation des zones inondees de sud du Togo et son etat actuel sous l'emprise humaine. OceanDocs
Guyot, M.; Roussel, B.; Akpagana, K..
Les treize associations et groupements reconnus, jamais décrits au Togo, s'organisent en successions liées essentiellement aux conditions de texture et d'hydratation du substrat et à la pression anthropique. Les associations des eaux libres et celle à Typha australis sont azonales et se rencontrent du Sahel à I'Equateur. Des groupements sont apparentées aux végétations du domaine des savanes guinéennes et d'autres sont inféodées aux zones littorales : parmi eux, la mangrove est hien iiiieux représentée qu'on ne le rapporte habituellement. Les produits de cueillette tirés de ces végétations interviennent de façon non négligeable dans I'écononiie locale. L'action de I'honime ne menace pas l'équilibre actuel
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Swamps; Mangroves.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Estudio de la calidad de las aguas del Estero del Muerto en base a la concentración de oxígeno disuelto.- Estación fija OceanDocs
Valencia, M.; Burgos, L.; de Espinoza, M..
Se presenta un análisis de la influencia de la marea y profundidad sobre la concentración de oxígeno disuelto en aguas del Estero del Muerto, Provincia del Guayas. Se establece que existe una relación directa de estos dos factores sobre la msima. Se encuentra mayor concentración de oxígeno disuelto en superficie, la cual disminuye conforme aumenta la profundidad, siendo mayor durante el flujo que durante el reflujo; existe un leve incremento durante la noche como producto de la agitación de las aguas por acción del viento. En forma general se concluye que existen condiciones de oxígeno en el área, lo que indica problemas de contaminación del estero.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Water quality; Swamps; Oxygen; Water pollution; Water quality; Swamps; Oxygen; Water pollution; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1987 URL:
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The role of the Yala swamp lakes in conservation of Lake Victoria region haplochromine cichlids: evidence from molecular genetic and trophic ecology studies OceanDocs
Abila, R.; Salzburger, W.; Ndonga, M.F.; Owiti, D.O.; Barluenga, M..
Lake Kanyaboli (Kenya), a satellite lake of Lake Victoria, has been suggested as a potential refugium for haplochromine cichlids that have gone extinct in Lake Victoria. We employed mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite DNA molecular markers as well as feeding ecology studies to re- evaluate the evolutionary and ecological significance of Lake Kanyaboli haplochromines. The mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers revealed high genetic diversity in the endangered Xystichromis phytophagus and also the presence of mtDNA haplotypes that may have either gone extinct in Lake Victoria or have arisen in situ. Lake Kanyaboli thus acts as a ‘genetic reservoir’ for the Lake Victoria species flock. Gut content analysis revealed six trophic groups among the six...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Tropical fish; Genetics; Swamps; Lakes; Resource conservation; Environment management; Rare resources; Resource management; Trophic relationships; Genetic diversity; Swamps; Inland waters; Water reservoirs; Freshwater lakes; Species extinction; Ecological efficiency; Genetics; Swamps; Lakes; Swamps; Inland waters; Water reservoirs; Species extinction; Resource conservation; Resource management; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Laws protecting Godineau OceanDocs
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Swamps; Mangrove swamps; Swamps; Regulations; International policy; Swamps; Law; Mangrove swamps.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Assemblage of drosophilids (Diptera, Drosophilidae) inhabiting flooded and nonflooded areas in the extreme South of Brazil Rev. Bras. entomol.
Duarte,L.B.; Gottschalk,M.S.; Robe,L.J..
ABSTRACT Several studies on the potential use of drosophilid assemblages as bioindicator systems have been carried out in the last years. Nevertheless, the successful application of these organisms in these systems requires adequate filling of several knowledge gaps. In this sense, little is known about drosophilid assemblages in wetlands and flooded areas. The present study provides the first survey of drosophilid species inhabiting such environments in the extreme South of Brazil and compares general beta-diversity patterns between assemblages of flooded versus nonflooded areas. The specimens were collected with banana-baited traps, and the assemblages recovered in eight wetlands of the southernmost coast of Brazil were compared to those recovered from...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beta-diversity; Bioindicator species; Gamma-diversity; Swamps; Wetlands.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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