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The pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) aquaculture in French Polynesia and the indirect impact of long-distance transfers and collection-culture site combinations on pearl quality traits ArchiMer
Ky, Chin-long; Broustal, Floriane; Potin, Dan; Lo, Cedrik.
In French Polynesia, the P. margaritifera pearl aquaculture industry is spread over a vast area, as large as Europe. All the oysters for this the highly economically important activity are supplied from just a few collection lagoons, but they are grown in numerous sites across three archipelagos (Gambier, Society and Tuamotu). Many oyster transfers thus indirectly bring about grafting combinations mixing different geographic origins and production sites. This study aims to examine the impact of such graft combinations on cultured pearl quality traits. For this, six homogeneous and standardised experimental graft combinations (N = 6197) were conducted at commercial scale in the two growing locations the most frequently used in French Polynesia: Arutua atoll...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera; Graft combinations; Pearl quality traits; Environment.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Phenome of pearl quality traits in the mollusc transplant model Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Ky, Chin-long; Quillien, Virgile; Broustal, Floriane; Soyez, Claude; Devaux, Dominique.
The bivalve Pinctada margaritifera exhibits three main transplant phenotypes derived from  the donor (from which a mantle graft tissue, the saibo, is excised), the recipient (into which  the saibo is implanted with a nucleus, leading to the formation of a pearl sac "chimera") and  the cultured pearls themselves. This first phenome study on the species derived from a large  experimental graft. Transplant phenotype was assessed at three scales: 1) macro, pearl size,  colour, grade, 2) micro, pearl surface microstructure, and 3) molecular, biomineralisation  gene expression level in saibo and pearl sac tissues. From donor to pearl, the phenome  revealed fine variations of quality traits dependent on the position on the mantle where the  saibo was cut, whose...
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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Influence of Temperature and Pearl Rotation on Biomineralization in the Pearl Oyster Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Le Moullac, Gilles; Schuck, Lucie; Chabrier, Sebastien; Belliard, Corinne; Lyonnard, Pierre; Broustal, Floriane; Soyez, Claude; Saulnier, Denis; Brahmi, Chloe; Ky, Chin-long; Beliaeff, Benoit.
The objective of this study was to observe the impact of temperature on pearl formation using  an integrative approach describing the rotation of the pearls, the rate of nacre deposition, the  thickness of the aragonite tablets and the biomineralizing potential of the pearl sac tissue  though the expression level of some key genes. Fifty pearl oysters were grafted with  magnetized nuclei to allow the rotation of the pearls to be described. Four months later, 32 of  these pearl oysters were exposed to four temperatures (22, 26, 30 and 34°C) for 2 weeks.  Results showed that the rotation speed differed according to the movement direction: pearls  with axial movement (AM) had a significantly higher rotation speed than those with random  movement (RM). Pearl...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Magnetometer; Rotation speed; Nacre growth; Nacre thickness; Gene expression; Pmarg-Pif177.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Relationship of the orange tissue morphotype with shell and pearl colouration in the mollusc Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Ky, Chin-long; Blay, Carole; Broustal, Floriane; Sham Koua, Manaarii; Planes, Serge.
Molluscs display a vast range of shell colours both between and within species. However, only a few species show colour variation in their soft tissues. In French Polynesia, the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera has three tissue morphotypes: the black wild-type and two rare mutations: white albino and orange mantle. Phenotypic transmission is known to occur from these phenotypes when they are used as graft donors for pearl production, leading to multicoloured and white pearls from black and albino mantle grafts, respectively. The present study furthers this knowledge by examining the phenotypic association between the orange mantle tissue morphotype and hard tissues: shells and cultured pearls. Based on a large experimental graft, shell colour...
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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Réseau Hydrologique Littoral Normand (RHLN) – Rapport annuel 2017 ArchiMer
Menet-nedelec, Florence; Broustal, Floriane; Courtay, Gaelle; Fontaine, Bruno; Francoise, Sylvaine; Hernandez Farinas, Tania; Lamort, Laure; Lesaulnier, Nadine; Louis, Fabienne; Maheux, Frank; Mary, Charlotte; M Zari, Lotfi; Rabiller, Emilie; Simon, Benjamin.
Ce rapport fait la synthèse des résultats obtenus pour le réseau RHLN/REPHY en 2017 à partir des 30 points suivis le long du littoral normand. Il inclut un bilan du contexte hydro-climatique de l’année 2017 du bassin Seine-Normandie, et la présentation des résultats du réseau obtenus en relation des données interannuelles. Les résultats présentés concernent les paramètres physico-chimiques (température, salinité, oxygène dissous, turbidité, nutriments), et les paramètres biologiques (chlorophylle-a, abondance et composition du phytoplancton). De plus, ce rapport présente la mise à jour intermédiaire des indicateurs des éléments de qualité « Phytoplancton » et de l’Etat Physico-Chimique pour la période 2012-2017, mais qui ne se substitue pas à l’Etat des...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Normandie; Baie de Seine; Écosystème côtier; RHLN; Réseau; Nutriments; Chlorophylle-a; Phytoplancton; Physico-chimie; Directive Cadre sur l’Eau; Eutrophisation; Évaluation DCE..
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Donor effect on cultured pearl nacre development and shell matrix gene expression in Pinctada margaritifera reared in different field sites ArchiMer
Ky, Chin-long; Broustal, Floriane; Koua, Manaarii Sham; Quillien, Virgile; Beliaeff, Benoit.
Understanding the respective roles played by donor and recipient pearl oysters in pearl quality determination in relation to the environment is a challenge for the pearl industry. In most Pinctada species, pearl size is mainly related to recipient oyster growth performance, but also relies to some extent on the biomineralisation activity of the pearl sac, a tissue that originates from the donor oyster mantle. We examined donor effect on pearl size in response to culture in the lagoons on Arutua and Apataki atolls. Overall nacre weight and thickness were greater in Arutua than in Apataki, but sensitivity to the environment differed between donors. Some donors were associated with significantly heavier and thicker nacre in Arutua (I group), while others had...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomineralisation; Environment; Pearl oyster; Pearl size; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Variation in cultured pearl quality traits in relation to position of saibo cutting on the mantle of black-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Ky, Chin-long; Nakasai, Seiji; Parrad, Sophie; Broustal, Floriane; Devaux, Dominique; Louis, Patricia.
Cultured pearl production from Pinctada margaritifera uses the biomineralization capacities of the mantle graft, the saibo, which is usually obtained from only the middle mantle section of the donor oyster. To evaluate the potential for using other parts of the mantle, this study explores and describes the cultured pearl quality traits, pearl size, shape, surface defects and colour parameters obtained with saibo from the entire length of the mantle, comprising the four following sections: 1) posterior, 2) connection with the gills, 3) middle, (the section usually used commercially), and 4) anterior. Rates of nucleus retention and oyster mortality were also recorded and compared between sections. For this, two experimental grafts were designed and conducted...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pinctada margaritifera; Pearl oyster; Pearl quality traits; Saibo position; Mantle tissue; Phenotype.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Potential combinations of mabé, keshi and cultured pearl production from colourful hatchery-produced Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Ky, Chin-long; Leclerc, Nicolas; Broustal, Floriane; Nakasai, Seiji; Devaux, Dominique.
Aquaculture of nacreous gems, such as cultured pearls, mabé or keshi, is done mostly using different mollusc species grown in countries of the Indo-Pacific region. To date, no single species has been exploited for the simultaneous generation of more than one of these bioproducts, but all require animals with colourful shells. Historically, Pinctada species have mainly been used for nucleated pearl production, selecting the rarer colourful individuals to be used as graft donors. By contrast, colourful Pteria species have mostly been used for mabé production, as the grafting operation for pearl production is associated with low yield. In this study, we report the potential for cumulating cultured pearl and mabé (MP), or keshi and mabé (MK) production, using...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera; Mabe; Keshi; Pearls.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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