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Evolution du phytoplancton dans des bassins de culture ArchiMer
Nival, Paul; Malara, G.; Lelong, P.; Cellario, C.; Charra, R.; Riva, A..
The concentration of chlorophyll a in large out-door continuous cul­ture was analysed in spring 1977 and 1978, and autumn - winter 1977-1978. The growth of marine phytoplankton in springsl977 is analysed with more details and shows three phases : - first, the diatoms (especially Skeletonema costatum) grow rapidely (27/4 to 3/5). The growth rate estimated by the chlorophyll measurements is 1.36 day“1. - then (3/5 to.13/5) the concentration of chlorophyll remains more or less constant (23.611.2 mg/m3) as well as the concentration of particulate organic matter. - at the end of the experiment (13/5 to 20/5) the concentration of chlo­rophyll falls as soon as Skeletonema costatum decrease in number.The declin of the phytoplankton biomass is followed by an...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplancton; Culture; Croissance; Composition chimique; Espèces; Phytoplankton; Culture; Growth; Chemical composition; Species.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Alimentation et croissance de bivalves filtreurs en bassin aménagé ArchiMer
Riva, A.; Lelong, P..
The lagoon of Brusc located on the Mediterranean coast (Var­France) is subjected to climatic and hydrologic particular condi­tions. The low values observed for nutrient into the sea water affect the evolution of phytoplankton. Thus chlorophyll concen­tration measured in the lagoon give an annual average of 0.42 mg. m-3 . The growth of two bivalves species : Cerastoderma glaucum and Venerupis semidecussata was compared between two stations where one population of each species are implanted. The culture of this molluscs is made in the lagoon and in outdoor pound dug on the old salt-pan near at hand. In the pound, subjected to natural climatic conditions, a great growth is noted for this two species. The growth rate appear better than the populations of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lagune méditerranéenne; Production primaire; Bivalves; Croissance; Mediterranean Lagoon; Primary production; Bivalves; Growth.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Qualité des eaux littorales. Etude expérimentale dans un pilote à flux continu de l'évolution des bactéries d'un effluent urbain en milieu marin. Données préliminaires ArchiMer
Martin, Y.; Baleux, B.; Bonnefont, J.l.; Equel, J.c.; Got, P.; Lelong, P.; Tanguy, B.; Trousselier, M..
Des expériences antérieures effectuées dans un pilote expérimental clos avaient permis d'évaluer la vitesse de disparition (T90 ) des entérobactéries d'un effluent urbain dans l'eau de mer. Afin de se rapprocher des conditions du milieu naturel, il convenait de vérifier les résultats obtenus dans un modèle à flux continu de grand volume permettant entre autre d'estimer les effets de l'apport continu d'effluent et d'eau de mer et de faire varier la dilution et la vitesse de passage des germes dans des zones de dilutions successives.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1983 URL:
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