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Flood inputs in a Mediterranean coastal zone impacted by a large urban area: Dynamic and fate of trace metals ArchiMer
Oursel, B.; Garnier, C.; Zebracki, Mathilde; Durrieu, G.; Pairaud, Ivane; Omanović, D.; Cossa, Daniel; Lucas, Yves.
Trace elements and organic carbon inputs to the Mediterranean sea from an urbanized area (Marseille city) were studied and characterized during flood events. Inputs were brought to the sea by two small coastal rivers whose waters were mixed together and also with treated wastewaters (TWW) just before discharge. The monitoring of the rivers during flood events showed the high temporal dynamics of water flow, suspended particulate matter (SPM), organic carbon and trace metals concentrations, typical of small coastal Mediterranean rivers and requiring an appropriate sampling strategy. Dissolved/particulate partition coefficient (log Kd) in rivers during floods remained quasi-constant for a given trace element, but differed from one element to another...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: WWTP; Metals contamination; Coastal zone; Flood events; Mediterranean Sea; Small rivers.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Synthesis of hydrochloric acid solution for total mercury determination in natural waters ArchiMer
Patel-sorrentino, Nathalie; Benaim, Jean-yves; Cossa, Daniel; Lucas, Yves.
Total mercury (Hg-T) determination requires the addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid solution (>= 10 mol L-1 HCl) in relatively high amounts to preserve the samples and to prepare reagent solutions. A method for the preparation of concentrated HCl with HgT concentration of lower than 5 ng L-1 is described in this article. It is based on the well-known chemical reaction: 2 NH4Cl+H2SO4 ->(NH4)(2)SO4+2 HCl. This method is validated thanks to the US Environmental Protection Agency method 1631 and standard reference materials BCR-579 (mercury in coastal seawater).
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Synthesis; Hydrochloric acid; Mercury determination; Green analytical chemistry.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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